Chapter 6 - Insecurities

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The blood red water soon turned clear in your sight. Taking a deep breath of cold air you swam about the seaweed filled ocean. Surprisingly, in hell, there wasn't any oceanic pollution. Walking through the forest of kelp you spotted everyone swimming about, enjoying the scenery. Following the group you see them fawning over a coral reef. Smiling at the sight you part ways with the distracted group.

"Perfect," you mumble to yourself. Seeing a cliff on the edge of the reef. Peering over the edge you see the long drop and sigh. Sitting down on the sandy ledge you lean back and dangle your feet.

"Not going to join?" You look up at Alastor who had swam to your side.

"No, I've done this too many times to count," the demon nods and sits beside you. "I actually haven't seen anyone wear that swimsuit since I was alive," you gesture to Alastors swimwear.

"You were alive in the 20s?" You nod with a smile.

"You said you were a Radio Host right?" He hums. "I think I remember you reading out the news about the Stock Market crash in '29," he chuckles.

"So many orphans," you both mumble, your heads snap to each other as a blush overtakes both your faces.

"You found it entertaining?" He asks you, his smile growing.

"Obviously! It brought so much business to me," smiling fondly at the memory you spoke up again. "When did you die?"


"1935," you state your year of death making him smile wider.

"How come I have never heard of you, yet you have heard of me!" You shrug and lean back on your hands.

"If you didn't spend so much time broadcasting your carnage you might have noticed such a beautiful demon gracing hell in '35," you said smugly, expecting him to laugh at your ego. He did laugh but his reply made you blush.

"A fault on my end, for not noticing you sooner, my dear," Tucking a stray hair behind your ear you give a soft smile, looking out into the abyss. "May I ask something?"


"Why do you hide your knees?" Your breath gets caught in your throat as Alastor quirked a brow, his smile slanting. Pulling up your gloves further you shrug.

"N-no reason, just a fashion choice," you lie, hopefully he'll take it.

"I'm not an idiot, Y/n," he takes your hand. Looking down, you go to retort, only for a bubble of air to leave you mouth. Clasping a hand over your mouth you start to swim upwards as the water turned dark red again. Alastor soon following, holding his own breath. Gasping for air you find everyone soon resurfacing.

"That was amazing!" Charlie squeals, hugging a smiling Vaggie tight.

"That was actually cool," the moth demon admits.

"Glad you enjoyed it," everyone chattered amongst themselves before deciding to leave the water. Alastor places a hand on your shoulder which you shrug away. "Leave it," he gives a nod, his smile never leaving.


Finally back at the hotel you went straight to your room. Shutting the door behind you, you took off the fabric on your knees and sighed in relief. Tossing the fabric on your bed you sat in front of your altar. Lighting candles around the doll you smile.

"Big day, mama," you tended to the flowers the doll held, not hearing the door open.

"Jesus Christ, Y/n, what happened to your knees?!" Jumping up you see Angel standing at the door with wide eyes. He rushes over in worry and helps you sit down. "A-are you ok?" You were too shocked to process his questions until he snapped you out of it. "Y/n?" Your shadow suddenly shut the bedroom door and locked it. Tears pricked at your eyes as Angels worry grew.

"You aren't meant to see them..." you mumble with a sniffle.

"What?" Despite his profession, Angel was sometimes a smart demon, so when he inspected the stitches on your knees he saw no traces of blood. "Y/n..." with his many arms now wide open you fell into his embrace and let out a sob. "There's nothing to be ashamed of,"

"They're horrible!" Your voice muffled into his shoulder.

"No, I think they're neat... why don't you show them more?" Angel pulled back and wipes a stray tear from your face.

"I hate them... so much... mon Ange, I don't want to show them," Angel nods in understanding.

"Of course, you don't have to show them," suddenly the candles on your altar blew out. Turning to the altar you see a tear drop from the dolls eyes.

"Oh, mama," you take a half filled vial and collect the tear. "No need to cry, mama," you light your the candles again as Angel watched you.

"Do... you have any other stitches?" He asks softly. Letting out a sigh you nod and take off your gloves, soon moving onto your choker. With an embarrassed blush Angel smiles and nudged you. "You rock those stitches, toots,"

"Thanks, Mon Ange," neatly placing away the accessories you walk to the bathroom. "I'm going to shower, feel free to stay," Angel nods and switches on your tv.


Getting out the shower you placed on some casual clothing, not scared to cover up your stitches considering Angel knew about them. Drying your hair you soon walked out and noticed Angel focused on some... very inappropriate entertainment, not porn but close enough to it.

"If you want to watch crude television you can do that in your own room," you cross your arms and look pointedly at Angel who shrugs.

"It's not the worst," he flips through more channels before coming across a certain Disney movie you took a liking for. "How about this?"

"That will suffice," holding back a grin you sit down beside Angel watching the picture show play. Singing along to the songs eventually you get to the song with Dr Facilier. In all honesty you related to the doctor, fashion wise and... in a sense death wise too. However that's a story for another time.


I love the princess and the frog so much so- Dr Facilier is the main inspo for this book lmao so I had to include it!

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I love the princess and the frog so much so- Dr Facilier is the main inspo for this book lmao so I had to include it!

- Anna ❤️

Voodoo: Alastor x fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now