Chapter 2: Ferrari Dino

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You have got to be kidding me. Am I dead? Did I hit the ground hard enough to cause me to die? What do I even say to him? I feel like I'm going to throw up. I wish Kenna was here. She would know what to say. Actually no she wouldn't she would probably be sobbing right now.

I sit up so I am no longer laying down, trying my best to not make eye contact with the person in front of me.

"Hey, sweetheart. Are you okay?" he asks again.

My cheeks redden. Did he just call me sweetheart? If Kenna were in my position she would be having an absolute aneurysm.

"I'm fine, I think," I say quietly as I try to stand up but fail, falling back onto the couch.

"I don't think you're fine. Mitch can you go grab some ice and maybe a paramedic?" he asks the man standing in the corner of the room, causing him to nod and walk out the door. Just leaving me and Harry alone in this room.

"I didn't catch your name," he states, looking into my eyes, which makes me extremely uncomfortable.

"I never threw it," I reply, causing him to smirk at me.

"Seriously, what is your name?" he asks, trying to hold eye contact with me. I am just hoping this Mitch guy gets back soon because this is starting to get awkward and my head is pounding.

"L-Leah," I stutter as my hands begin to shake.

"Is that short for anything?" he digs.

Why does it even matter to him? He's famous. He'll forget about me by tomorrow. Even as nice as he is being  I feel like this is an act.

"Yeah, Analeah. Why are you asking me these questions?" I say, I can feel a panic attack coming on. I close my eyes taking a deep breath in and a deep breath out. I don't care how stupid I look. I don't want to have a panic attack in front of him, I've never had a panic attack in front of anyone before.

"Well I can tell how anxious you are," he states, pointing to my shaking hands.

"And I thought maybe I can help distract from whatever is making you so nervous. Are you like this all the time or is it just me?" he continues.

"No, trust me it's not you, I'm like this all the time," I say, my voice now shaking. I feel like I could cry.

"Do you remember falling?" he questions, concerned.

"Uhm, not really. I remember it was starting to get really hard to breathe and then everything went black. D-Did you really see me fall?" I ask and he nods.

I put my shaking hands to my red face, trying to cover my embarrassment.

He pulls my hands away from my face and places them in his. "There is no need to be embarrassed, Leah,"

I feel a tear fall down my cheek, a tear that I was fighting to keep in my eye. Great, I'm crying in front of Harry Styles. He must think I'm a freak. Who meets Harry Styles and starts having a mental breakdown right in front of him? Me, I do.

He looks at me with worried eyes as I wipe my tears away. "Do you know what could've caused you to pass out?"

Mind starts to swirl with my dad's voice yelling at me through the phone. How hurt I was, how hurt I am.

"I would rather not talk about it," I choke out.

That guy Mitch finally comes back into the room with an ice pack and a paramedic. He hands me the ice pack and I place it gently against my forehead.

"Okay sweetie, follow this light with your eyes," the paramedic says, shining a bright light in my eye causing me to squint.

"Alright, well I don't think you have a concussion but I would definitely go to the hospital and get it checked out. And I hope you have a ride back home because you can't drive like this," the paramedic says as she stands up from her crouching position in front of me and walks out of the room. Harry is now standing against the wall with his arms crossed staring at me.

Speaking of my ride. Where is Olive and Kenna? I try to call both of them. Both ring a couple times and go to voicemail. Would they have left without me? Did they notice me pass out? Well I would hope so because even Harry saw it.

Harry begins to move towards me. "Do you have a ride home?"

"I hope so. Have you by any chance seen my friends? They were both next to me. One has blonde hair and the other one has black hair," I ask, of course he's not going to know who I am talking about. I can't imagine how many people this man sees in a day.

"No, I haven't sorry. But I can try to get a hold of them," he offers, kindly.

"That's very sweet of you but a call from you is the last thing my friend Kenna needs, she's completely obsessed with you and if she were driving when you called she would probably crash the car," I state, trying to call Kenna again. No answer.

"So you're not obsessed with me?" he questions with a smirk on his face, almost like the idea entertains him.

"No, not really. I mean don't get me wrong, your music is genius but I'm not obsessed." I reply.

"Well I might have to fix that," he states.

"Yeah, sure. After today you'll never see me again and will probably forget my existence," I say.

"Well it's five minutes past midnight, so this is technically my second day seeing you and I haven't forgotten you yet. And we still have the whole car ride to where you live," he says, smugly.

"You can't drive me home," I say, looking at him like he's crazy.

"I certainly can and I will, let's go," he says, taking my phone from my hand and running.

This is crazy. What a turn this day has taken. Harry Styles is really about to drive me home. The man my best friend swears she is going to marry. The man that wrote the song that had me practically crying in the car on the way here. He doesn't even know where I live. Is he even a good driver?

We finally reach his car and all I can think about is how nice it is. It's yellow and vintage. I don't know much about cars so I am unable to tell what kind of car this is.

It's nice right, it's a Ferrari Dino," he boasts as I get in the car.

The car ride to my apartment consists of him asking more stupid questions about me. I don't understand why he is asking these questions. Why is he trying to get to know me when this is the last time he will see me ever again?

    His car pulls into a parking spot in front of my building.

    "Bye Harry, thank you for the ride," I say as I open my door.

    "Wait Leah," he says, grabbing my wrist gently, stopping me from getting out of the car.

    "Can I have your number?... You know so we can talk more, I really enjoy talking to you," he asks.

    "I'm not sure that's a good idea," I state as he lets go of my wrist.

    "Well, I never claimed that it was a good idea, I just thought maybe..." he starts but I interrupt him.

    "Goodnight Harry Styles,"

    I walk up the stairs back to my apartment. I notice his car hasn't left the parking spot yet. He must be waiting for me to get inside, what a gentleman. I unlock my door, flick on the light, and close the door behind me, locking it. I feel myself begin to slide down the door now sitting on the floor with my knees pulled to my chest. I just turned down Harry Styles. Who does that? Once again, me, I do. He was probably only asking for my number because he felt bad for me, right? I kind of wish I didn't interrupt him. What was he going to say? I pick myself up off the floor and go into my room, get changed into sweatpants and a comfy shirt, and plop on my bed. As exhausted as I am, I am struggling to fall asleep. My mind can't shut off. I can't stop thinking about what happened tonight. That I turned down Harry Styles. I feel my eyelids get heavy as I drift off to sleep.

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