Chapter 15: I Want You

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*Song: Golden Slumbers by The Beatles*

Harry's POV:

I pull back from the kiss and immediately begin to panic. Was this too soon? Is she going to freak out? I mean because when I even mentioned a relationship to her she got all nervous. I just don't want to stress her out, that's the last thing I want. I see her look into my eyes. She doesn't look nervous so maybe this is okay. She grabs my face.

"Oh come on Harry, don't be the nervous one now," she says, kissing me again.

I immediately relax when she kisses me. Thank God I didn't freak her out. I was so caught up in the moment, so caught up in her that I couldn't stop myself. What would I have done if that was too far too fast? Well I guess I don't have to worry about that. We both pull back from the kiss. She smiles and looks out at the view that is in front of us. It's so beautiful up here but not as beautiful as her. The view doesn't even compare to her. I swear I have looked at her more than the view.

"Oh Harry Styles," she mumbles, looking at the city beneath us.

"Oh Analeah Davis," I say back, still looking at her.

We stay up there for about an hour longer, just looking at the city and each other. We were in this giggly mood. We couldn't stop joking around and laughing. I liked this. She grabs my hand as we walk out of the building with my sweatshirt and sunglasses on again. I must look like a real douchebag with sunglasses on at night but I don't care. I'm in too much of a good mood to care. Neither of us have said anything about the kiss or what it meant. I don't if either of us are avoiding the subject. I just think we both have a mutual understanding that it's a serious conversation that needs to happen later.

We finally reach her car and I open the passenger's side door for her.

"Wow, what a gentleman. Thank you," she says, smirking at me.

"My pleasure," I say, closing the door and walking around to the other side of the car.

The first fifteen minutes of the ride is silent, just us listening to music. We were holding hands, something we weren't doing on the way here. I wonder what is going on in her head. I wonder what this means for us.

"Thank you for today Harry," she says, breaking the comfortable silence between us.

"Of course. So I am assuming that means you liked it then?" I question, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, it was perfect," she states as I kiss her hand.

"Leah?" I ask.

"Harry?" she responds.

"I just realized out of all the questions I have asked you, I have forgotten to ask you some of the most important ones," I state.

"And what may that be?" she asks, looking over at me, smiling.

"What's your favorite song of all time?" I ask.

"That's a tough one. Let me think about it," she replies.

If I know her as well as I think I do it's going to be a Beatles song. I noticed that most of her playlist is filled with Beatles songs. I love it. It's honestly amazing.

"Golden Slumbers by The Beatles," she says. I called it.

"And why is that?" I ask.

"Like I know it's repetitive, and it's a short song but something about it is just so calming. If that makes sense," she responds.

"Of course, it makes sense. Next question, what's your favorite One Direction song?" I ask, smirking.

"You had to put me in this uncomfortable position like this? I'm not going to tell you," she responds.

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