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{A/N: the date below is in the UK date format and the Busan Academy of Music isn't a real place (as far as I know...)}

Judgement day. The day of all days. It all comes down to this...

My soulmate tattoo is on my wrist, clear as day. It looks like my handwriting, but that's supposed to be part of it (thank goodness for that PSHE lesson).

Min Yoon Gi

Who is this guy? I thought I'd probably know him because he's rich, does music, or has radiant skin. MY SOULMATE IS A NORMAL CIVILIAN! I hope he's introverted like me though, otherwise, we are NOT getting on!

That time...

You: mornin'.

💜sis💜: heyyy wassup?

You: much better than yesterday! soulm8 time...

✌🏻tae✌🏻: *gets NAVER search ready*

You: he's called min yoon gi...any ideas?

You: sae? tae?

You: guys??


"KIDS! Park family announcement!" Dad calls, and I rush downstairs pulling on an oversized jumper to cover up you know what,

"All of you, apart from Jae Young, have attended the prestigious Busan Academy of Music..." Mum starts,

"So, as of this year, Jae will be starting there in September!" Dad finishes,

"REALLY? Omo you're the best!" I yell.

My jubilations are interrupted when I spot Tae and Sae Eun whispering with a concerned look. They glance at me and my wrist every few seconds. What's going on...?

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©2020 joonie_mai-mai

✔ 6 brothers and a Soulmate {MYG AU} ✔Where stories live. Discover now