Chapter 26

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"Look who's here.." Aditya's mom pointed towards Anaira. Anaira was still standing inside his room.

Anaira stood there shell-shocked not understanding how to react to the situation at hand. She didn't expect him to come so suddenly, she wasn't ready for this 'suprise'.

Aditya looked at where his mom was pointing and saw her standing there. His eyes went wide seeing her, he was equally shocked. He hadn't expected her to be in house or his room to be precise of all the places, not even in his dreams.

Anaira walked to where they stood. They both stood there looking at each other, nobody spoke anything. It was Aditya's mom who spoke first "Adi, aren't you happy to see Anaira? Why are you guys looking at each other like strangers?" she said addressing both of them.

"Of course mom, how can I not know her? It's just that I.. I'm surprised that's all." he said recovering from the shock.

"Hi Ms Sharma, nice to meet you." he said looking at her. She still looked same to him. But a bit dull or may be tired too. Why? Only if he knew why.

He addressed her as Ms Sharma, it did hurt her. But she can't let him affect her now. 'I have to be strong' that was her mantra.

"Hi, nice to meet you too." she said trying to force an artificial smile out of her. Anaira didn't understand why her heart was feeling light after looking at his face. She wanted to hug him and cry her heart out. She wanted to ask him why he did that to her, she wanted slap him..she wanted to.. don't know she wanted to do many things. She wanted to lock him in her arms and never let him go. So many thoughts were running in her mind.

But what she wanted was no more important. The way he had treated her in the past and the way he addressed her as Ms Sharma now only indicated that it doesn't matter to him anymore.

Aditya wanted to ask why she was at his house. He thought she would have been married to Rishi by now. But he decided not to ask anything as his mom was there.

"Mom, I'll get freshen up. I'm tired." he said.

"Okay. Do you want me to send you anything to eat or drink?" his mom asked.

"No mom, I'll sleep for few hours." he said.

"Okay. I'll wake you up in the evening for tea." his mom said and he just nodded his head. Anaira who was standing on the way moved to the side to let him enter his room and she went to her own room.

"I was showing your pics to Anaira. The albums are kept on the bed, I will keep them away." Aditya's mom said once they were inside his room.

"Mom, why did you show her my pics? You know that I don't like other people entering my room right?" he said.

"She's not 'other people'. She's like family. Don't be rude to her like how you were when you were her boss." she told him in a strict voice.

Aditya was surprised at what his mom said. What had that girl done to his mom? 'Is she fooling my mom like how she had fooled me?' he thought.

"Why's she here by the way?" he asked.

His mom explained him how she's working on a new project and how she ended up staying in their house. Aditya didn't know about this new project. His dad hadn't told him anything related to that.

"She's really brightened up the house, you know. You were always away and the past couple of weeks that she's staying here, she's really made me happy." his mom said with nothing but affection filled in her voice for Anaira.

'If only you knew her true colours mom' he thought to himself. He didn't like his mom praising her so much. 'What's she planning now? I have to talk to her.' he thought to himself.

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