Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:

On Sunday, Anaira got her car delivered.  She took Aditya's parents with her to temple in the new car.

"Where's mom?" Aditya asked one of the helpers.

He hadn't come home on Saturday. After his dinner with Nia he had asked her to leave and went to a bar. He drank a little more than usual, he had to call Nishant to pick him up and stayed at his place for the night. He knew that his mom wouldn't appreciate him coming home drunk.

"Madam and Sir ji have gone to temple with Anaira beti. She got her new car." he responded.

"Oh okay." Aditya said and went to his room to rest. It was 12.30 in the afternoon and he was still a bit hungover.

While coming back from the temple Anaira stopped at a sweet stall to get sweets for everyone at home. She distributed sweets to all the helpers at Aditya's house.

Aditya came down after sleeping for a couple of hours. He had taken a shower and looked fresh.

"Adi, take this mithai. Anaira got her new car delivered. We had been to the temple for pooja." his mom said.

Anaira thought he wouldn't take it. But Aditya took a small piece and ate it. He then went into the kitchen and took a water bottle to drink.

"Why did you go to Nishant's place yesterday? And how was your dinner with Nia?" his mom asked him.

"Dinner was good mom. I had something to discuss with Nishant so I went there and it was late by the time we finished working so I decided to stay the night there." he said.

"What did you and Nia decide?" she asked expectantly. Anaira who was sitting on the couch in living room was listening to this conversation.

"It's too early to decide anything mom. We both want to get to know each other better. Please give us some more time." he said looking at Anaira who pretended like she was busy watching television.

His mom didn't want to say anything. She was glad that at least he was trying to get to know the girl, which was a positive thing.

On Monday, Anaira was working in her office when Simran came to see her.

"Hey Anu, are you busy?" she asked.

"Sim sim, no I'm not busy. Come sit." Anaira said getting up from her chair and smiling at her friend.

"Are you free today after work?" Simran asked her.

"Yes. Why are you asking?" she replied.

"We're going out after work. I have something to tell you." Simran told. She looked happy and excited.

"What is it that you want to tell me?" Anaira asked out of curiosity.

"You'll get to know in the evening. Please don't ask me to tell you now." Simran told her.

"Okay, I won't." Anaira replied.

They spoke for few more minutes before it was time for Anaira's next meeting. They agreed on meeting at 5.30 in the evening and Simran left from there.

In the evening, Anaira met Simran and they both took lift to reach the ground floor. They were going to a nearby restaurant which was at a walkable distance. They both kept their laptop bags in their cars and walked to the restaurant.

When they reached the restaurant, Simran noticed Nishant sitting there. They started walking towards the table and Anaira was shocked to see another person sitting in front of him. It was none other than Aditya.

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