Ch 1 The lost Swordsmen

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The 104th cadets, the next soldiers of humanity, are standing in line while an instructor yells at them. He goes up to one of the cadets and asks him a simple question

Shadis: What's your name?!

???: Connie Springer from Ragako District on the south side of Wall Rose!

Connie salutes to him but puts his arm over his right bicep instead of his left. Shadis, in response, lifted Connie off the ground and brought him up to eye level

Shadis: You got it wrong, Connie Springer. I made this clear from the very start. This salute signifies your resolve to "give your heart to the king"! Is your heart on your right side?!

???: Hey! Are you the one in charge?!

Everyone looks over at boy who dares question the commander. Shading looks at the boy and marches over to him

Shadis: Yes I am! Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my camp?!

The boy looked up at the man who towered over him. The boy in question wasn't very normal either. The thing that made him stand out was his mossy green hair.

He wore a dark green pants, bandana, and boots along with a white shirt. It seems that green was his whole aesthetic. Along with that, were his 3 swords that he carried on his waist that gave him the impression of someone with bad intentions

???: Who I am does matter. I have an important question for you

Shadis: Oh really?! Then go ahead and tell me what this "important" question is then

???: Can you point me in the direction of the Trost district?

There was an uncomfortable silence followed by Shadis chuckling. That chuckle turned into a very loud laughter and was soon silenced by Shadis headbutting the green hair boy

???: OW!! What the hell?!

Shadis: Is this a fucking joke, huh, are you playing with me boy?!

???: I'm not! I actually need directions to Trost

Shadis: How the hell did you get in here boy?

???: I don't know, I just walked around for a while then I saw all of you. Can you just point me in the direction of Trost, I'm looking for someone

Shadis: Armin

Then a small blonde boy shouted from the crowd of cadets

Armin: Sir!

Shadis: Take this trash out of my camp and point him to Trost

Armin: Yes sir!

Armin then lead the boy away from the rest of the cadets. Shadis turned back to the cadets and saw a girl eating a potato

Meanwhile, with Armin, he is leader the mysterious boy out of the camp. The walk was a little awkward so he decided to try and initiate some small talk

Armin: So what's with the swords

???: Huh? Oh right? I'm a Swordsmen

Armin: Really?! But why do you have 3 swords? Do you always carry a third in case you loose one?

???: No, I use all three of them

Armin: Really, like one at a time

???: Nope, all at once. I use 3 sword style

Armin: *confused* 3 sword style

???: Yup!

Armin looked down and thought of ways he could use all 3 of them at the same time. He then remembered something very important

Attack on titan: The lost Swordsmen Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum