ch 3 A show of power

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A crowd was surrounding the gate hoping to get out of the district before the Titans could get to them. But a large carriage was blocking the entrance so no one could go pass

Several citizens were yelling at the the man who owned the carriage to move it. Some tried to move it themselves but were pushed back by some hired muscle

Citizen: Hey don't you know what's going on here?

Fat man: I know, that is why things are how they are. If you all want to live, help me!

(Y/N): Help you?

On cue, (Y/N) arrived jusn now. He put Miyako and Hinata down and even after running for a couple hours he was still standing. He walked up to the carriage with a menacing glare

The fat man grew frightened so he sent his hire muscle to take care of the problem. A man ran to punch (Y/N) but he was faster and stronger. In the blink of an eye (Y/N) punch the man square in the face, knocking a few teeth out, and sending him back a few meters

(Y/N): I won't help you, I'll help them!

Now scared, the fat man trip backwards as (Y/N) approached the carriage. He, with one hand, grabbed the carriage and began to pull it back and shocking the crowd at the same time

The crowd began cheering for him but stopped when they felt the ground shaking. They look behind and see a man walking towards them only to be kicked away by an abnormal Titan. Far behind the Titan were Garrison soldiers who were trya to catch up to it

(Y/N): *thoughts* They're not going to catch it in time

He let go of the carriage and ran straight towards the Titan while equipping all his blades. One in each hand and one in his mouth.

(Y/N): 108 Caliber Phoenix!

He swiped all his blades upwards and a large gust of wind picked up and cut the Titan in half. It fell down and split open spraying blood everywhere. (Y/N) looked back at the fat man who, along with the crowd, looked at him in wonder and fear

(Y/N): Move the carriage!

The crowd cheered and moved the carriage out of the way. Just then a girl with a red scarf landed next to (Y/N)

???: How did you do that?!


She grabbed his collar and pulled him close to her

???: Tell me!

(Y/N): ...... Have we met before?

???: *angry* Are you serious!?

Hinata: (Y/N)-nee!

She latched onto his leg as Miyako ran up to her

Miyako: Hinata!

(Y/N) grabbed onto her and pulled her off his leg and handed her to Miyako

(Y/N): Head over to the next district Hinata your mom is waiting for you

Hinata: But when will we play?!

She had tears threatening to fall as she said that. He put his hand on her head and gave it a good pat making her calm down

(Y/N): I'll play when I'm done here, now go so I can get done faster because I'm not working till you're safe

Hinata: *sniffle* You promise?

(Y/N): *smiles* Yeah

Hinata: Okay! Come on Mya-nee I wanna tell mama what happened

She jumped off Miyakos arms and started dragging her away. Miyako turned around and gave a very why goodbye. Just as the girl with the red scarf was gonna question (Y/N) again they were cut off by another girl and her mother

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