( 𝐱𝐢𝐱.)

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EDMUND LANDS on my back as gracefully as one can manage while falling from the top of a tower, but it still hurts like hell. The additional weight strains my already sore wings and burning muscles and I quickly turn around in search of somewhere safe to land before I drop out of the sky.

The sounds of battle from Miraz's castle are slowly fading into the night, the Narnian army retreating to safety across the bridge and gathering at the town border. There. I extend my wings as far as I can manage, intending to glide and let what little wind there is carry us through the air.

"Arryn, you're bleeding," Edmund says, his voice frantic. "A lot."

Honestly, I'm not surprised. "Yeah," I reply breathlessly. "I thought so."

"What happened?"

I pump my wings, fighting to keep us aloft against the pull of gravity. What did happen? "I...I dunno...Peter –"

"Peter did this!?"

"Ed." I inhale a shaky breath, trying to keep my eyes open and look past the blistering fire engulfing my shoulder. "Shut up," I mutter. "Just...let me land."

I think he says something else but blood loss and the sudden lack of adrenaline is making everything foggy and uncertain and I'm so focused on reaching the army on solid ground that I don't notice much else.

Glenstorm sees us approaching and must notice my flagging energy because he ushers everyone back, clearing a large space for me to land. Or crash, I realize, my limbs too exhausted and agonized to do anything more than collapse beneath me and send us tumbling across the cobblestone ground. One wing twists beneath me, pulling the shoulder that must be injured and bleeding because the sudden pain sends flames tearing through my body and makes me freeze on the spot. I worry I might have crushed Edmund in my sprawled landing but I can distantly hear his voice and see his silhouette in my blurred vision, so he must be alright.

I blink furiously, trying to see clearly through the haze. The voices and sounds around me are all muddled into one, irritating noise. I try to get my paws beneath me and stand up. I need to get up.

Wincing through the pain, I manage to right myself and my vision clears so I can see Edmund Pevensie and his panicking brown eyes. His lips are moving and he's saying something.

I blink hard and focus my ears on him. "...to me, stay...eyes open..." His face is pale and his breathing is nearly as fast as mine. I try to ask him if he's okay but nothing in my body is functioning properly at the moment, least of all my ability to speak.

I shake my head sharply as if it might clear the sudden ringing and rid the weight from my eyelids.

"...No, look...stay awake...Pete!"

𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖊𝖗𝖆 | e. pevensieWhere stories live. Discover now