( 𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐯.)

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BUBBLES FLURRY across my vision, catching rays of sunlight as they fight to reach the surface. Refracted in a thousand different angles, light glitters atop the water in beautiful, meandering patterns. The treetops and clouds above the pool are distorted and dance with the currents, as though viewing the world through warped glass. The muted sounds of water showering into the pool reverberate in my ears, the accompanying vibrations drifting over my skin. I watch the rippling crystal surface above me as the bubbles escape, and I release a few more.


I watch them race to the top and break the surface, only to let loose another string of bubbles.


The wind sways the trees outside my underwater sanctuary, but all I hear is the rain of water and my own heart beating calmly in my ears.


A familiar silhouette appears above the pool for a moment, watching me with something grasped in their hands. And though he's obscured by the water's manipulation, I recognize Edmund in an instant.

He waves his hand in the direction he came, his voice distorted and muffled when it reaches me through the water. "I'll be over there."

He disappears from my view, and I make sure to wait a while longer before following, righting myself and standing upright in the pool so my head emerges, the wind and the birds and the rustling leaves meeting my ears. The music of the forest and the crashing spring seem cacophonous compared to the underwater ambience. I almost want to duck my head back under and sink to the bottom, if only to hide from the war a while longer. But then I hear Edmund mutter a curse from behind a scattering of boulders, and a smile finds its way across my lips.

I wade through the cool water to reach the edge of the pool, treading carefully to avoid sharp or slippery rocks.

Though the trees' barrier reduces the wind gusts to a light breeze, I'm shivering and cold the moment I step out of the water. Quickly, I slip my dress on and grab my sword before leaving the spring and its stone fortress of surrounding boulders, the sounds of showering water receding as I retrace Edmund's path.

The pool sits in a low spot just behind Aslan's How, as promised by Ezrik and Verdan. It's a decent-sized basin surrounded by an outcropping of boulders that, conveniently enough, provide excellent privacy. The water is sourced from a spring just above it, which then runs down the rocks into the basin, making for an ideal bathing spot. And I desperately needed to clean all the dirt and blood from myself — rid my skin of the marks of war.

Edmund looks up from fiddling with his vambraces, the smile vanishing from his face when his eyes land on my arm. "What in the bloody hell did that centauress do to your arm?" He demands, crossing the distance to me in two long strides.

𝕮𝖍𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖊𝖗𝖆 | e. pevensieWhere stories live. Discover now