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Connor's POV

The bus finally stopped and I took a look at Tracy, she was silently looking out the window, then she got up to leave but I got up before her and came down from the bus, she came out seconds later and I backed her got down on one knee

"Get on" I say and I was surprised when she actually did without any form of argument, I asked for the key to her house and when she gave it to me I opened the door and placed her on the couch
"Where's your first aid kit?" I ask and she looked at me weakly before murmuring something under her breath, I stared at her studying her, it was just then I noticed how much weight she had lost

"I'll go get it" she said and slowly stood up

"No sit, you can't walk with an injured
feet"  I say and she smiled

"Don't worry about it Connor I'm fine" she said and started walking towards the stairs, she suddenly stopped when she reached the first step then collapsed to the floor


Tracy's POV

I woke up to a cool breeze coming in contact with my skin, I sat up and grunted because my head ached, I looked around, trying to get a hold of my surrounding, it was pretty obvious that I was in a hospital, the room had that hospital smell, I closed my eyes trying to recall what happened, that's when a doctor walked in he smiled sweetly at me and I smiled back

"How are you feeling?" he asked

"I'm okay, my head hurts a little but it's all good" I say with a smile

"Wonderful, I just want you to know that you will get through this soon, You just need to be strong" he said and I nodded confused

"Your boyfriend is outside, do you want him to come in?" he asked and I titled my head to the side confused,
that's when Connor walked in and I remembered everything, he dropped me off at my house and wanted to dress my wound...I don't remember what happened after that. The doctor excused himself and walked out

"How do you feel?" Connor asked and sat at the edge of the bed

"I have a slight headache, but other than that I'm completely fine" I say truthfully, after I got back from the dance competition I felt terrible, my stomach burnt and I felt dizzy, but it was way better now

"Cool" he said lowering his head and biting his lips , he looked worried

"Connor are you okay?" I ask

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" I ask sitting up

"That you have bulimia, why didn't you tell me?" he said looking me straight in the eye

"It was none of your concern" I say not looking at him

"Are you freaking stupid?, this is your life we are talking about... and your life's my concern " he said pain and anger in his voice

"But..." I started but stopped and burst into tears, I covered my face with my palms and cried into it "I'm sorry... I'm scared, I don't want to die" i  say my voice cracking , that's when I got pulled into Connor's embrace, he held me gently and stroked my hair we stayed like that in silence till he finally said.

"It's gonna be alright, we're gonna get through this....together" and I felt at ease


"So does your mom know?" he asked playing with my fingers

"Yeah, she said I'll go to therapy, but I think she forgot or something" I say closing my eyes feeling very sleepy

"I doubt any mother can forget something that has to do with their child's health" he said and I nodded in agreement, he had a point..maybe she was busy

"What of nichole?"  he asked and I suddenly felt guilty

"She doesn't know, although she deserves to know she doesn't " I say and every where went silent for a second

"I'm sorry" he said lowering his head his hair falling on his eyes "I can't help but feel all this shit your in is my fault, after five long years of being away I finally see you and behave like a total asshole.....I'm so sorry " he said holding my hand like it was his life

"You don't have to apologize Connor, none of this is your fault, if I hadn't have left that day none of this would have happened" I say tears welling up in my eyes

"Look I want you to know, no matter what you do...I'll always be there for you, just like I'm gonna be there for you now" he said seriously and I smile

"Promise?" I said holding out my index finger and he smiled understanding before touching the tip of his finger with mine


"You fainted!???" Nicky asked with a raised voice

"Yeah it's nothing serious" I say with an assuring smile

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked looking very hurt and my heart sank

"Nicky it was nothing I swear, plus Connor was with me at the hospital"

"Hospital!!" She exclaimed  and I realized I was just making things worse, I wonder how she'll react if she found out I had bulimia

"Nicky  calm down it was nothing " I was so busy trying to calm Nichole down that I didn't notice Connor and zayn taking a seat with us

"Uhm are you guys lost?" Nichole said and I was shocked at her forwardness

"No magdalena, we are just sick of sitting in the same spot every freaking time" zayn said and I smiled knowing Magdalena means cupcake

"Tracy can I talk to you for a sec" Connor said and I nodded and followed him to the hall way
"So how are you feeling? " he asked

"I feel alright, thanks for asking" I say with a big smile and couldn't help the butterflies exploding in my stomach at the thought that he actually cared

"Good, there's something you need to know Tracy " he said with a serious look and I started to get scared

"What is it Connor?" I ask and he ran his hands through his hair

"I'm not hundred percent sure but I think I saw your mom get pulled over by the cops for reckless driving" he did and my heart sank

"Dammit mother" I curse under my breath

"I'm not so sure its her though...."

"It's her, I don't know why but she's been drinking and coming home drunk, sometimes not coming home at all, and its starting to frustrate me ....honestly I'm fed up" I say and lean on the wall

"You have enough on your plate as it troy, maybe if you talk to her....."

"No she'll never listen I know my mom" I say and bite my lip
"That's mom is super committed to her job, she must be slacking off for her to have so much time to get drunk'' I say

" so what  are you trying to say troy?" he asked and I smiled

" I'm gonna get the answers i need from my mom's workplace, could you please come with?" I ask and he smiled looking extremely amused

"Only for you troy" he said putting me in a daze

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