Getting answers

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"Is this the place?" Connor asked parking in front of my moms large office

"Yup, it's definitely the one" I say bitterly and we both stepped out of Connors car and he locked it before we started heading to the front door we got in and stopped at the pretty receptionists desk

Hi , uhm could please direct us to  Mr London's office?" I say politely, Mr London was my moms boss if anyone could give me answers it will be him

"Its on the second floor, the office on your right" she said with a smile

"Thanks" we said heading to the elevator

"I trust you have an appointment?" She said calling us back

"Uhm no " I said forgetting

"Don't worry I'll set up one right now"
She said with a smile

"Do you know how long it might take?" I ask and she nodded

"About an hour before its your turn , he's extremely busy on Tuesday's" she said

"An hour is too long, we have to get to school" Connor whispered and I sigh

"Thanks" I say before grabbing Connors hand and running towards the elevator, I quickly press on the second floor button just as the receptionist called the guards, the rushed towards us but luckily the elevator closed before they got to us

"Yo, troy what was that?'' Connor said looking at me with shock

" I wasn't ready to wait an hour" I say

"Your really sneaky you know that?" he said with an amused smile and my cheeks started heating up. Few seconds later the elevator door slid open and we ran towards a door that had 'Mr London's office boldly written on it, I pushed the door open, and the first thing that caught my eye was the huge man talking to Mr. London, they seemed to be engrossed in their discussion because they didn't even notice us

"Mr London?" I say drawing his attention to us

"Yes, how can i help you?" He asked just as I was about to open my mouth the guards and receptionist came

"Get them out of here" the receptionist ordered and the guards started moving towards us

"Leave them, if they went through all these trouble I'm sure it must be important... James I'll talk to you tomorrow"  he said and the huge guy nodded and left so did the guards and the receptionist but not before giving us a nasty look

"So, I'm all ears..make it quick though, I have another meeting in ten minutes" he said looking at his watch, I looked at Connor and he gave me an encouraging smile

"I'm here to talk about one of your staff, Victoria troy, actually she goes by her maiden name Victoria Garcia... you may know her" I say and he nods lightly

"Of course I know her, she was one of the most hardworking and committed workers i had here" he said with a small smile

"Yeah I want to ask.....wait what do you mean by had?" I ask noting his use of past tense

"Don't you know?, miss garcia no longer works here" he said looking at me like I was stupid

"Was she fired or did she quit?" Connor asked from behind me

"Fired" he said lowly

"You fired my mom?" I asked shocked

"Why would you fire one of your best employee's?" Connor asked from behind me

"Rumors were spreading fast around here, I had to fire her before it got to the public" he said checking his watch he wanted us out

"What rumors?" I ask curios

"The one about Miss garcia being responsible for the death of her ex husband" he said

"What do you mean by death of my dad, my dad's not dead" I say matter of factly and his eyes became full of pity

"You didn't know?, how sad" he said with a sigh

"Know what?" I ask angrily

"Your father is dead my dear, and rumors say he was killed by your mom, don't worry as long as no one here says anything the rumors won't spread" he said and my heart sank, I couldn't process anything my brain went numb all I knew was that I needed to get out of here, so I ran out the door, Connor followed behind that why he was never in his shop and never answered his phone?, no my dad can't be dead this place just spreads a lot of stupid rumors, what if it isn't just a rumor? what will I do if its true? thoughts were interrupted from connor pulling me to him, that's when I realised I was walking into the express road and was nearly hit by a car, I looked up at Connor and he was glaring at the passing car that almost ran me over, when the car was out of sight he looked down at me and his eyes softened

"You okay?" He asked

"No?" I say feeling  tears well up my eyes,  and they started falling from my face and before I realized it I was crying,  Connor brought his hands up my face and wiped the tears off my cheeks and pulled me into a hug, I quickly hug him back and continue to cry

After minutes of crying, I decided it's best I see my mom at the police station and ask her about all these rumors, I need to hear what she has to say about all this. We arrived at the police station and talked to the officer at the desk...uhm

"we're here for ..uhm miss garcia...she got arrested yesterday" I say biting my lip...for some reason I was feeling nervous

"Oh, she got bailed out this morning"  he said showing no emotion

" She did?" I ask and he gave me the 'didn't I just tell you she did' look
"By whom?" I ask feeling mixed emotions I don't know if I'm angry we drove all the way here for nothing or angry because she didn't even tell me she got arrested

"Her friend " he said with a shrug not giving much away , I stand there for minutes clenching my fists....why was I angry.. I don't know, maybe it's because I know I'll burst into tears if I stop being angry...connor placed his arms on my shoulder in a comforting way and I calmed down a little

"Let's go" connor said and held my hand leading me out of the station, we got into the car and sat silently as connor drove

"Uhm where to now?.... cuz we can't go back to school its late.. I  don't care about school attendance but if you come to school by this time it'll be bad for your good girl rep won't it?" he said looking straight ahead

"Yeah just take me home" I say glancing out the window, how could mom do this to me? that how insignificant I am?, does she not care about me?...and dad..could the rumors be that why he was never at his shop and never picked up his calls...he can't be dead

"Tracy" connor said stopping the car, I turned to him...I didn't even know I was crying, he pulled me into a hug and stroked my hair...gosh I'm such a cry baby... I hate my life, I shouldn't even see comfort in his arms but I do...being in his arms comfort me.

We arrive at my house minutes later and get in, the door was open meaning my moms home

"Mom!!!?" I call out but get no response
"Mom!!!!'' I call out again walking towards her room where loud music was mom hated music
" mom!" I yell right before pishing her door open my eyes widened and my mouth dropped at what was before me.

Next chapter 👇👉

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