Chapter 16: My Love

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Caius' POV 

I once again raced down the hall towards the throne room and pushed open the doors. I reached out to Aro. He immediately  grabbed it and I watched his face as memories of when Harley had told me about her past. Of when she told me about her ex, Cody. His face immediately lit up in anger as he pulled his hand from my grasp. He turned to Demetri and started to speak. 

"I want you and three other guards out following the trail! And I want you to report back immediately when you find them!" Demetri nodded before turning and rushing off to the guards quarter's to get the others. I sighed and placed a hand on Aro's shoulder. 

"We will find her, brother! We all want her back as much as you do!" He nodded and slowly made his way back to his throne as we had to continue with the rest of the trials that day. Rebekah quickly burst through the door followed by three unfamiliar men and dressed in her normal clothes. She stopped in front of us and glanced at Felix before starting.

"These are my brothers, Klaus," She pointed to the tall blonde man standing beside her, "Elijah," she motioned to the man dressed in a suit with sleek dark brown hair beside Klaus "and Kol." the man who stood on the opposite side of her with unruly curls and a slight glare placed on his face looked up at us for a moment before returning to look at the floor, "And we are going to start a search party of our own. I know Harley and we have been friends for awhile. I would be able to sleep soundly without going out to find her." The men beside her nodded. She smiled at them and grasped Klaus' hand. 

"I understand and feel free to take anyone you would like on your journey. May I suggest Felix?" I motioned towards her anxious mate who stood a few feet away from her. She quickly thanked me before motioning towards Felix and then started on her way out. Felix grasped her other hand as the group walked out of the throne room before running out of the castle and starting their search. I sighed wishing I could be out on the search before slumping in my throne and beginning the trials. 

Harley's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open and I slowly sat up. I could barley see as it was pitch black in the room I was held in. I sighed and went to place my hand down when I felt a sticky fluid press against my palm. I raised my nose to the air and took in a deep breathe, instantly regretting it. It smelled of rotten eggs and spoiled milk and it made me gag as the scent filled my nose. I wiped whatever substance was on my hand on my towel and once again tried to stand up. I felt something tug on my ankle and realized that there was a chain clinging to my foot. I tugged against the chain before slowly releasing it and giving up. I went to lay back down the light flickered on and I could finally look at my surroundings. I think that I am in a basement as the walls are a cold cement and the floor is old and also cement. The sticky substance happened to a puddle of blood and there were several other puddles around the room. I shuddered as a breeze passed me and I felt a heavy presence behind me. 

"Hello, My love." His voice was echoing in my brain as he leaned in close and whispered the words in my ear. 

"I am not your love and you know that!" I spat as I shrank down and sat on the floor. He lowered himself to my level and placed a menacing grin on his face. 

"You will be if you want to protect your family! I have a few double agents placed within your guard, so they will never find you and they could kill your family in an instant!" I immediately let a shriek and reached out to grab him. He sped out of my reach as I crawled on the floor trying to reach him. The chain tugged tightly on my ankle and I fell to the ground in pain. 

"You WILL regret this!" My voice wavered as I thought of my home and family waiting for someone to come and save me. I started to sob as tears of venom filled my eyes never to fall. He moved a strand of hair out my face before whispering in my ear.

"You will be mine, one of these day's!" He stood up and raced out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I slowly pushed myself back to the wall as I continued to sob. I sat their for hours crying before I slowly calmed myself down enough to think clearly. I started to think of possible ways to contact anyone at all. I gasped silently as I remembered meeting with Eleazar at the Cullen's house. 

"Your powers are strong. Something I have never seen before. Obviously, you know of your fire powers, but something you should know you have Astral Projection. Meaning you can project yourself out of your body to contact others in a dire time of need." 

His words echoed in my brain as I chuckled at the thought. I focused really hard on the idea of projecting myself into the castle throne room. I closed my eyes and awaited any sort of change. I felt as though I was pulled from the ground and yanked from my body, before my eyes opened quickly as I gasped noticing I was in another room. The throne room. I turned around and my eyes landed on Caius. He smiled and raced to my side. I wished so deeply that I could stay, but I had to talk fast. 

"Listen, I don't know where I am, but I know I am not far from the castle maybe a few miles or so...I won't be able to talk long, but I assume you know who it was since you seem to know what I am talking about. Cody has something planned and honestly I am scared. Their are rogue guards who are working with him, so please be careful." I felt as though I was being pulled back to my body so I grasped Caius hand before turning to my dad. " I love you both deeply. And please FIND ME!" The last part barley reached them as I was pulled back to reality and my eyes opened back up to the horrible smelly basement I had been shoved into before. I sighed and glared up at the ceiling. "I hate Cody!" 

Why Me?


I hope you guys enjoyed the Sixteenth part of Finding my Way Home. Please Leave comments on what you want to see happen in this story. And if you like this please leave a comment. LOVE YA'LL WITH ALL MY HEART!!!!!


P.S I would also like to apologize for the long wait...I have no excuse other then I just took a small hiatus and went on vacation. So, I am so sorry. And I will keep trying

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