Chapter 19: Old Friends, New Family

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I am currently sitting on the plane as I travel all the way back to mystic falls. I had grabbed Rebekah while I was on my way out, so she could come with me. I mean we were going to get her family, she would've have been seriously upset if I left without her. I leaned my head back against the seat as I held my breath in order to avoid the smell of human blood. 

"Do you actually think they'll come with us?" Her voice echoed in the silence as she mulled over the question in her head.

"Of course they will, I'm a Queen!" I let out a hearty laugh and then turned my head to face her. "Now remember, we have to convince Kathrine to come with us too! She is the only single girl I genuinely like that lives here!" She let out a grunt.

"Fine! You know Niklaus won't be very happy about that." I nod slowly hoping that maybe something changed and maybe, just maybe, they are on the same side for once. I had a good feeling about this trip. I was hoping that at least one of the Mikaelson brothers would be the mate to my Volturi coven members. That's why I am doing this. Well, that and I missed my best friends. I want my coven to be happy. They deserve the love that I am given when I am with Caius. Even from far away I can feel the love he has for me. I sighed and decided to close my eyes and relaxed for the rest of the trip. 


After the long plane ride, from Italy to Mystic Falls and a testing taxi ride to the small town, me and Rebekah were walking into the Mystic grill with smirks plastered on our faces. I glanced around the room before I broke out into a beaming smile. The entire Mikaelson crew was sitting at a table in the back corner with Kathrine and were laughing at a joke someone had told. We made our way over to the table and sighed.

"Look what we have here!" Rebekah spoke causing all of the heads to turn towards us. 

"I see the gang is back together!" I chuckled as smiles broke out on everyone's faces. Niklaus was the first to give me a hug.

"Well looky what the cat dragged in, our very own Harley Rose K-"

"Its Volturi now!" Kol's eyes widened after I cut him off and everyone's jaws dropped. "Your in front of Royalty now, baby!"  Elijah stood from his chair and placed a kiss on mine and Rebekah's head before pulling back.

"We've missed you two, so very much!" We smiled in his direction and then turned to Katharine.

"Welcome back, Amiga! We missed you too!" She ran over and gave us a big hug with an almost permanent smile etched on her face.

"I cant believe you guys are here! I thought you left us for good!" She chuckled as she sat back down in her chair along with the others. I turned to look at my bestie before smiling and turning back to them.

"Well, we came to invite you all back to Volterra, Italy! We are throwing a ball and we want you guys to come and party and maybe, possibly fall in love!" I squeaked out the last part as my gaze turned over everyone's faces. Everyone except Katherine was thrilled.

"No way! I am not going!"

"Why not?! It'll be fun!" She sighed and threw her head back with a scowl placed on her face. "Imagine all the beautiful dresses and the sexy bachelors and the blood!" Her head flew up at the very beginning and after every example a smirk raised on her face.

"Uhh, fine!" Rebekah and I squealed in excitement before calming ourselves down.

"Okay, you guys go pack! And pack for a while, you might wanna stay for the after party!" I raised my eyebrows with a smirk and then continued. "Meet us in 2 hours at the airport and then we will leave!" They nodded and quickly made there way back to their collective home.

We were sitting at the airport, near a black SUV waiting to take us back to the jet. I see a set of fancy red and black cars pull up not to far from where we are and four people get out. I smile and wave them over before I jump in the front seat and let everyone else figure out their own.

"Alright everyone who is ready to party!" A collection of hoots and hollers erupted from behind me and I motioned for the driver to go. After a few minutes of chatting amongst ourselves we arrive at the jet. Me and Rebekah got out and swiftly made our way over to the jet. The siblings all got out slowly and stood in awe at the plane. I turned towards them and let out a small giggle.

"Guys come on we only have so much time before the party starts it is tonight!" Katherine was immediately on the plane, followed by Kol. The other two smiled before making their way over as well. Once everyone was on the plane we settled into our own small conversations before landing a few hours later. Us girls went off to the shops to find our dresses and the boys went to find their tuxes. I am so happy and I could see that each of them felt a weird pull. I know exactly what is. I felt it when I first met Caius and now they feel it. We wandered around one of the small markets just outside of the castle walls. We came across a small boutique and quickly made our way inside. Katherine ran to a section of silver, sleek gowns and Rebekah ran over to a set of ballgowns of all colors. I went towards the counter noticing one of my personal designers and sent her a small wink, she pulled me to the back of the shop where a hunk of specially made gowns were made me. I giggled in excitement and started to rummage through the gowns. My fingertips grazed over the dresses before they landed on an elegant ballgown. It is absolutely  beautiful and I can't help, but let out a small gasp. The woman from earlier grabbed the dress from my hands with a smile and put it into a box with a bow on top. I couldn't help but smile at the girls as they danced around holding their dresses in their hands. 

"You two are crazy!" They giggled before handing their dresses to the clerk. We watched them bag the boxes before we rushed out and made our way back to the palace. I told everyone that when we arrived we should be left alone, so when we all rushed back to my old bedroom. The guys changed in the bedroom and us girls went into the closet where all my shoes and accessories were hidden away. 

Tonight will be a night to Remember. 


Thank you for reading this far into my book and I hate to say it, but you are officially in the LAST couple of chapters. I haven't decided how many more there will be, but I wanted to give you a heads up. I love you guys so much. Thank you for reading. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!!! Also I will show you everyone's outfits in the next part!

XOXOXO CherryBomb

At the top is the outfit Harley wore throughout the episode

At the top is the outfit Harley wore throughout the episode

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This is the Mikaelson Family!!!!

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