Chapter 3: The Cullens

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Once we got home Bella started to interrogate me.

"So you know the Cullen?"

"Yeah I suppose, why is that a bad thing?"

"No it's just they say they don't like other people that are not their family, they like to keep to themselves."

"Well they liked me, so I'm not going to stop being friends with them if that's what you're trying to tell me."

"No I'm not, they seem to like you it's just, does Edward talk to you?" she asked shyly.

"Yeah, why?" I asked with a small smirk, that goes unnoticed by my twin.

"Well he's in my bio class and he seemed like he hated me when we got partnered up, even asked to switch classes after school. I don't smell bad do I?" she said worriedly, sniffing her hair.

"Well did you shower? Cause there's your answer if not, look are we done I need to look through old books and work for English, and I need to find my glasses these contacts are killing me."

"Okay it's fine, how did you even last all day without them?"

"Even I don't know Bella."

So up my room, I went and in search for my glasses, I did. Turns out they were right below my bed near my nightstand. So I went to clean them and see if they didn't suffer any damage and then went to take off my contacts, even though I enjoyed feeling a bit confident about not having to deal with people asking if they are my real eye color, I do like to hide behind my glasses and be the quiet girl in school.

After I had done with that and changed into comfortable clothes I started planning out my school workload and what needed to get done and such, once I was done and went downstairs to see who was going to be making dinner tonight.

"Hey, have you seen dad?" I asked Bella as I enter her room. she was in bed with her laptop, I supposed she was writing to mom as she promised her.

"Um, I think he's coming home late why?" Bella said as she looked up from her laptop.

"Just wondering who's making dinner tonight?"

"Well since you made breakfast I'll make dinner."

"Okay, call me when it's ready," I said.

I headed up into my room and decided to do my homework after I showered since it is when I work best. Instead, I decided to do a bit more organizing and maybe step up my art stuff. Yes art, I draw and paint I guess you could say I'm a bit good at everything from painting with watercolors to oils, to even pastels and colored pencils, etc. Sure some are more of my favorites that others but I try to use all of them from time to time for no reason, or just because certain things I want to draw would look better with other things or with mixed media too.

Anyway, after all that was done I realized I didn't have much space for it so a trip to the store was need sometime soon. And since time had passed, I realized I had gotten a message. It was from Jasper.

Hello Darling, how are you?

And so I decided to answer back and you bet I had a smile on my face the whole time.

Hello Jasper, I'm fine how about you?

Earlier in Lunch, Alice had thought about exchanging numbers.


"Oh my God! Since now we're friends, why don't we exchange numbers! I'll give you the rest in case of an emergency which I doubt but still, we can make plans and go shopping, and hang out!" said Alice very excitedly as she took my phone and started adding everyone's numbers.

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