Chapter 4: The Secret

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Monday came by sooner than expected, during the weekend it was pretty boring besides catching up on assignments, cleaning, and painting. Bella and I went to the library but they didn't seem to have a good selection of books so we didn't get anything, and planned to go out of town to see if there was something better. Jasper and I did talk throughout the weekend and so did Alice, Rosie, and I too. Although with Jasper it was more of small talk and just doing homework together, I feel like each time I get to know a bit more about him like his vast knowledge in history and just a bit more about him. The girls would complain about the boys to me and how their parents would like to meet me and all this other stuff that girls usually talk about, although it was a bit strange since I didn't have many female friends that I was close to or friends in general before. 

Anyway today I decided to dress a bit warmer since it was kind of cold outside and decided to keep my contacts until at least it stopped raining since I hate cleaning my glasses every 5 seconds because there is a single drop of water in them all the time.

We had arrived at school today and I headed to the Cullens. By now it was kind of normal for me to hang out with them but people still talked, like they always do. I knew for sure that Bella's friend Jessica, I believe, was the one with the bigger mouth and honestly, I wasn't even planning on being friends with her anytime soon. 

We walked in together and Jasper walked with me and Edward to class.

"So how was your trip, Eddie?"

"It was fine, it was nice to see family. Why did you miss me?" he said with a smirk.

"No, in fact, it was very fun and exciting without you?" I said and stuck out my tongue at him.

'He doesn't have to know about Bella and how she was mad about him and how when he was gone she was fine but now that he is back I have to deal with her being annoying because she has a crush on him, or 'finds him interesting' my ass. Even though she mainly rants to mom. Ugh, I'm rambling in my head too.'

During English, I gave Edward the work we did and the readings so he didn't fall behind but we mainly talked than help him but it seemed that he didn't need much help anyway. Then as my day went by I noted how tense everyone was or at least mainly Jasper. During classes, Jasper seemed like he cautious around me even when I had a class with Rosie they both seemed like they didn't want to touch a certain topic. 

"Okay, what are you freaking out about?" I asked when I sat down at lunch with them.

"What are you talking about?" asked Edward

"You guys are like walking on eggshells around me, is something going on?"

Everyone looked between Jasper and me. "Well you see," started Alice.

"Can we talk after school?" Jasper cutted her.

"Sure, would you like to come to my house?"

"Yeah, that would be perfect."

After that Emmett started throwing jokes and making everything go back to normal I suppose.

But I still wondered, 'What could he want to talk about? I doubt he just wants to hang out, right? Oh no, does he know I like him and now wants to ask me out? I mean that doesn't sound like a bad idea but I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship, but I mean how could I not like him like look at him.'

I was broken out of my thoughts when the bell rang and when I looked around I saw Edward looking a bit smug.

'What are you smiling about,' I glared at him and got up. He looked a bit shocked and I looked at him confused, 'It's like he's reading my mind but I doubt it right?' He shrugged and just walked away towards his class. 'Well, that was weird, I doubt that... Nah very unlikely...but I mean... Nah, I don't think so.' 

I got up and headed up to Art with Alice and Jasper. Alice had her arm with mine and was dragging to class with Jasper behind us, Alice started going on about some clothes she and Rosaline have that they want to throw out and how I should see if there was anything I liked. I turned my head back to look at Jasper and gave him a face that cried for help and guess what, all he did was smile and laugh at me. It was both annoying but hot, his laugh was heaven and I wanted to listen to it again but we arrived at class. We then headed to our table and started our work, and I got lost doing my work, I always found art meditating no matter the medium I was working with it was always calming for me and peaceful. 

the day went by and by the end of the day, I had finally realized it was snowing, and I just looked up at the sky smiling as the snow continued to fall. 

"Penny for your thoughts," said Edward, he seemed happy, content. 

"Not much, I don't see the snow much at home and I just love snow, nature I guess you could say, it's beautiful," I replied. 

"That is true, anyway it seemed your sister is in a hurry."

I looked at the car and I see Bella already inside trying to warm herself up, that's when I remember how polar opposites sometimes we are and I went to the truck knowing she has control of leaving me or waiting for me. 

Later in the evening, I was in the living room waiting for Jasper to show up, he had texted me earlier for my address and said he would be here soon. I heard a car pull up a couple of minutes later and thanked that Dad was working late today and that Bella was probably asleep right now since I may or may not have told anyone about a boy coming over.

I opened the door after he knocked and let him in. "Come in, my room is in the attic."

After we went into my room, Jasper took a moment to look around and started to talk.

"So I have something to tell you," he said looking at me as I went to sit down in my bed and made him join me. 

This was the most serious I had seen him. I looked at him to see what he was going to say.

"My family and I are vampires," he said.

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