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The cozy house of Sharma's was vibrantly decorated with several alluring flowers and was lit up with tiny diyas around corners of every room to bring the festival vibe. Unexpectedly, the tiny house was overflowing with countless relatives. Why are distant relatives so persistent to land directly at your house for any event? And most importantly, why are they so creepily enthusiastic about your wedding?

Never once had she ever dreamt of this day in her life. Even when she was little she always preferred playing with her father's black coat and tie rather than her mother's dupatta. Why? She always wanted to be different from others, she always preferred to be in charge than to listen to someone. However, look at her now, all draped in thick layers of pink saree and countless ornaments were hung around her neck making her sulk down a little deeper into the chair unable to handle this new look.

A wedding is a huge decision to take in life. An ocean of responsibilities grip you in the second you decide to share your life with someone. Yet, she was happy. She knows for a fact that her husband is not rich and for a fact, he works as a school teacher. If someone would have told her that soon she will be giving up on her dreams and will be marrying a low income earning man she would have scoffed in arrogance.

But somehow, everything is different at this point in life.

"Gudiya, your phone keeps buzzing, why don't you answer it!" Avni's buva suggested coming out of the washroom as she hurridly dried her hands with a towel.

Avni has already decided to play deaf to all the phone calls she might receive today. But how long will she be able to avoid?

"Okay." Saying she slowly rose from her and picked up the green cased phone which kept vibrating non-stop on her study table.

Avni swiped up the call, answering it. "Hello."

"Hello! Avni? Why weren't you taking my calls!" His concern laced voice did nothing but amplify the disgust she had for him.

When Avni didn't reply he decided to continue talking, "Look Avni, let us put whatever has happened between us in the past. Why don't we start afresh-"

Avni's blood boiled like lava hearing his words. Her long term boyfriend decided to take a rain check when she was in a deep pit of troubles. That day she stood lost in front of a police station crying her eyes out, for the first time in life that day she realized how foolish she was all this long in life. Avni would have spent a night in jail if it was not for her friend who showed to help her. And right now he dares to suggest her to start afresh after that incident.

"I am already starting fresh, Rahul. I am getting engaged today."

An immediate boom of laughter on the other side almost confused Avni, he was laughing? Of course, he never loved her but shouldn't he at least feel something for a girl he dated for two years?

"Avni, stop kidding me. I know you too well, you will never choose anyone over money, and according to my resources your to be husband is a school teacher? Seriously, love?"

Tears swirled in her eyes hearing his tone. That was all he got to say? Rahul knew why she liked money, why she liked the thought of being rich yet he preferred to address her like a gold digger. Avni closed her eyes shut, letting the last drops of tears escape as she knew this was going to be the last time she would be crying over him.

"You are wrong Rahul. I might choose riches over anyone, but those mere coins are nothing before my self-respect. Don't you dare call me again, or else I will lodge a harassment complaint with the police and Rahul one last word, " Avni glanced through her bedroom window by her study table, as outside their house she could see a guy in blue kurta unmistakably clear from this elevation, "My to be husband is breathe takingly handsome, unlike someone who got a nose job done."

Avni cut the call after being satisfied by showing his life. Blocking her ex-boyfriends' number she kept looking at her finance. Today she will be putting an end to the painful chapter of her past to welcome a new beginning.

Her heavy thoughts about her life came to an abrupt halt as she watched her fiance lift a wounded dog from the roadside. His crisp blue kurta made him stand out and those rolled-up sleeves were seeking her attention as he slowly tried to pet the wild pup, the frustrated puppy almost tried to bite him to escape but instead of dropping it to the road, he let out a musically pleasant chuckle rubbing its head and involuntarily Avni let out a face splitting smile as she witnessed the scene.

What if her fiance is not rich? She has got a life lesson from her ex that, everything that shines is not gold. What if her to be husband has a low paying job? He seems good at heart.Perhaps, this is a time to start everything new in her life. Just maybe she might find her fairy tale with this prince charming. 


Hola guys❤

I am trying to write something other than my standard historical fiction/ fantasy genre. So here it is.

Do tell your views regarding this prologue!!

Quick Question: Don't you think Wattpad books unknowingly sets high standards for boys and girls? Like all men are filthy rich, and women are crazily poor with the looks of an angel!

Hey there! Don't forget to vote and comment your views about the chapter 🌟

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