Books Pt i - David Webster x Reader

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Your head was leant against the cool brick of the hospital, as you lifted the cigarette to your mouth, glad of the brief respite from gaping wounds and men sobbing over lost limbs. Just as you were enjoying the silence, a truck pulled up, and orderlies exited the door next to you, moving across the lawn to help unload the wounded. One soldier in particular caught your eye. The first thing you noticed was his chiselled jawline, which was littered in days-old stubble, something that looked unattractive on most men, and yet this new arrival still managed to look so god-like. His lips looked heavenly, he clearly applied Vaseline liberally as they were so soft looking compared to the usual hardened lips that soldiers usually sported. His mouth hung open slightly as he concentrated on getting himself off the van, refusing the hand of an orderly who tried to help him down. His eyes met yours for a brief moment, making you blush furiously, and allowing you to see his sapphire eyes; eyes that seemed to convey multitudes of knowledge and understanding.

Little did you realise that Webster had taken similar notice of you too. Your gaze fixed upon him caught his attention, and he made sure to study you just as thoroughly, although much more subtly. His heart swelled and he grew more nervous with every passing moment he felt your gaze on him, resolving to try to make your acquaintance at some point during his stay.


Webster didn't have to contrive to make your acquaintance, as the morning after his arrival you came to his bedside, placing a steaming mug of coffee on his tiny bedside table.

"Coffee's up," you said, praying he'd kickstart a proper conversation as you'd used up all your courage to get this far. You hoped Webster would assume that you were merely carrying out part of your nursing duties, when in actuality it was the job of the orderlies to serve coffee and you were on your mid-morning break.

"Thank you ma'am," Webster stretched over for the coffee mug, internally cursing himself for how quiet his reply had sounded, he should show himself to be full of confidence to impress such a beautiful nurse. You couldn't help but chuckle at his politeness and formality, so rare among your patients; but instantly felt guilty for doing so upon seeing his cheeks heat up.

"Y/N will do just fine, although probably best to go with Nurse Y/L/N when matron and the doctors are around," you replied, straightening his blankets, and flashing him a reassuring smile.

"I'm David, uh David Webster," he replied, stumbling a little over his words. The normally articulate man found himself unable to speak properly in your presence. "Um, are there any books here?"

"Sure, most of the men swap books and magazines between them, but I have some I can lend you if you'd like," you tensed, wondering if you'd overstepped, offering to lend a perfect stranger your personal possessions.

"I'd love that, what kind of books do you read?" David asked, sipping his coffee.

"Anything really, I just finished Anna Karenina by Tolstoy. I have a few Dickens, some poetry books, what would you like to borrow?"

"Anna Karenina suits me if you're sure it's no problem?" David grinned, it was the first time you'd seen him smile. If you weren't blown away by his looks before, you sure were now. Those beautiful blue eyes lit up, transporting you into a world of fantasy about those eyes gazing into yours over a breakfast table in your marital home; and his little dimples made your heart flutter.

"Of course not!" you replied, and the two of you awkwardly lapsed into deep conversation about literature.


Every day for the entirety of his stay you'd spend every second of your breaks sitting on the rickety chair next to Webster's bed or, later on during his convalescence, on deckchairs in the grounds of the hospital. You'd talk mostly about literature, but also about your childhoods and what you missed about home; and he told you about Easy Company. Each conversation you had, each smile he flashed at you, each gentle squeeze he gave your hand, saw your feelings for David deepen. By the time he was discharged to go back to the front, you knew you were hopelessly in love with him.

On the day of his discharge, you wandered over to his bed during your morning break, as usual. What was different this time was that you had applied a little lipstick, given to you by another nurse. Although you'd seen no sign from Webster that he liked you in a romantic way, you couldn't help but harbour a secret and burning hope that your feelings were, at least in part, reciprocated.

"Hi Y/N," he said, more softly than usual. He held out your battered paperback copy of Of Human Bondage, your hand brushing his as you took the book from him. "Thank you, I really enjoyed this one."

"You're welcome, David," you held out another book for him. David's eyebrows went up in surprise, not expecting you to give him a book to take with him. And this was no tattered paperback like your others, it was a pristine hardback. "I remembered how much you said you wanted to read All Quiet on the Western Front, so I thought I'd give you this to take with you," you explained. David took the book from you, flicking through.

"First edition! Where did you even find that?" Excitement lit up his face and you delighted in the glow of his warm smile.

"My father, he fought in the Great War. He brought the book when it first came out. He used to read it a lot, but he always kept it so neat. He always quoted the passage where it says, 'they are the strongest, most comforting thing there is anywhere: they are the voices of my comrade'. He always kept in touch with his brothers in arms. When he died it came to me. Just, ah," you trailed off, nerves getting the better of you.

"I'll make sure I get it back to you safely, Y/N," at that moment a shout went out for the men leaving that day to board the trucks. Before you could process what was happening, David was leaning towards you, his lips meeting yours in an all-too brief kiss. "Can I write to you?" he asked, slightly breathless.

"You'd better," you replied, watching him leave with tears in your eyes, hoping he'd come back to you in one piece.

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