15 ~ The Drug-Lord's Nerd

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I looked over at Rio and his eyes widened

"Uh I didn't do it don't look at me"

"What was it suicide" I asked her

"3 gun shots to the stomach" she said

"That is actually sad even though he done me wrong, he genuinely begged for forgiveness". I said

"Don't get too attached to people mama, you never know when you'll loose them" he said walking out

"What does he mean by that" she asked and I shrugged my shoulders

"Are you okay" I asked her and she nodded

"I mean I was annoyed at him, then even more after what he done to you but now it's like a mix, the wave of emotions hitting you" she said and I nodded

"Just thought I'd tell you but damn girl you and him had some sexual ass eye contact" she said and I rolled my eyes and my phone chimed

"Who is it" she said in a singing tone

"Rio, he wants me to meet him somewhere"

"Shaw before you go sweetie" she said walking out

"I hate you" I said

"NO YOU DONT" she yelled before leaving and I laid back on my bed

What does he want now

I got myself changed into a white shirt and some shorts and some trainers before heading out to meet him

Again at the stupid bar And when I walked in it was empty

What the hell

"Hey mama" he said and I turned around

"You looking fine as always"

"What's going on"

"Rewarding you" he said and pushing forward a glass towards me

"Rewarding me for what"

"You done my deliveries, my pills, dealt with the FBI and also your shit ass of a boyfriend " he said

"Not my boyfriend" I said and Emma walked in drunk

"Hey baby girl can I get a tequila" she said

"What are you doing here" I asked her

"I was walking by you know and saw you and mr sexy man over here having a drink damn where is everybody, is the party over I feel like STRIPPINGGGG" she yelled taking off her jacket

"No no no" I said putting it back on her and sat her down

"You know mr sexy man, Mia over here has such a big crush on you like major. She doesn't stop talking about you" she said and Rio laughed



I covered her mouth and she pulled it off

"Don't be deceived she ain't innocent" she yelled and he laughed more

"You sweetie pie are so beautiful don't forget that, I love youu" she said crossing her eyes

"TROY" Rio yelled and he ran in

"Please take her home she lives on Margaret drive" I said and he laughed and took her into his car

"Sorry about that" I said

"Major crush huh" he said

"She's lying" I said

"Mhm I bet a drunk person lies" he said with amusement in his voice

"You look so good in that seat" he said and I raised my eyebrows

"Thanks I guess" I said

"But you'd look way better on top of it"

Holy shit

The Druglord's nerd Where stories live. Discover now