18 ~ The Drug-Lord's Nerd

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He grabbed the side of my face gently, becoming more aggressive and speeding up the pace

He turned me around and pinned me up his car putting his hands on my waist and I played with his hair earning a soft groan from him

"What was that for" he said pulling away

"FBI guys watching" I said and his smirk kinda turned into a frown and he nodded

"Best get going then mama" he said and I headed into my house

Hopefully they believed that because I am out of breath right now

I headed into my room and the lights turned on and I screamed

"It's just me" Beth said

"what are you doing" I said

"What are you doing sneaking back in" she said

"I was out"

"It's 2 am you have college tomorrow" she said

"I'll be fine my class is at 10 that's 8 hours, I barely used to get 5 in high school" I said

"I keep forgetting you're not natalies age, you're not fifteen" she said and I laughed

"It's fine mother instincts" I said and she smiled

"So who was the guy you were kissing" she said

"You saw that"

"Duh looked like some heavy make out session" she said

"That was Rio Montana" I aid hoping to get screamed at or slapped but she just stared at me in shock

"Rio, as in drug lord, as in mafia gang type" she said and I nodded

"How" she said

"He's in the same class as me"

"He does criminal justice what an ironic bitch" she said and I laughed

"Now sleep you need it more than Me" I said

"Just be careful your mother would kill me if something happened to you" she said


She then left the room and I collapsed on the bed not seeming to get that kiss out of my head

It was just a kiss

He probably has dozens of them daily

I barely slept that night and when I did the stupid birds woke me up and I groaned

6am, seriously

I got myself changed and when I looked out of the window I saw Rios car

Did he not go home?

I headed downstairs quietly and to his car

"Get in mama" he said and I looked around before getting in and he gave me an envelope

"What's this"

"A job, well more like seducing" he said

"Seducing who" I said

"David quartz, more time he's just a little junkie freak but he owes me a lot, he ran away to Australia years ago but turns out his stupid ass came back to town and I want my money, all you have to do is get his ass to the back of the club" he said


"Is that a problem sweetheart"

"What makes you think I can seduce"

"Done it last night" he said

"What do you mean" I said and he rolled his eyes

"Nothing, can you do it or not" he said and I nodded

"I'll meet you out here at 10" he said and I got out and back into the house and started making breakfast for everyone

I headed off to college and sat in the lecture hall

"Ah miss cazadora nice of you to join us today" she said

I only missed a day damn woman

Hayley has also made it and sat in her seat and she was messaging me throughout

I'm bored
Shoot me
Can we go eat
I want food
pizza !!!!!
OMG I want pizza

She spammed me the whole class and I couldn't stop myself from laughing

"Pop quiz in 2 days, whoever missed the last one you'll be doing that one tomorrow since you only have the other teacher" she said


I headed off back home to started revising before I have to go seduce a 55 year old man

Hours of revising went by and I just wanted to throw my books in the bin, drop out and go to Italy

It was almost half nine and I basically raced around to get myself changed

I slipped on a black dress with heels and put on some makeup with little bag

At exactly 10 pm, Rio pulled up and I grabbed my heels in my hand and jumped down and into his car and slipped them on

"You look good" he said and I smiled

"Thank you" I said and she pulled up to a club

"Why is it empty"

"He's also filthy rich, he owns the club" he said

"What makes you think he'll go to the back with me"

"Because you need to go through the back to get to the building behind and that's where he has sex with his other people"

"But me and Troy will already be there and you go home" he said

"Just walk inside he should be the only guy, grey suit"

I left my bag in his car and headed out of it making my cleavage very open and walked in to see him having a drink with a girl on his lap

Not today sweetie

I walked towards him and the stripper walked away and I sat on his lap

"Well aren't you a very pretty lady" he said and I smiled

"You're very strong aren't you" i said

"I box quite a lot" he said

"I bet something else is also strong" I said and he smirked

"Girls out now" he said and started walking

"You want to was to the other building cutie" he said and I nodded and as we reached out the back troy grabbed him up

"Should have enjoyed the strippers while you were at it" I said and sat back into Rios car

"That was quick good" he said and drove me off back home and I sighed

"You okay" he said and I nodded And he rested his elbow on the side and faced towards me brushing my hair away and tracing my jawline

I jumped over to his seat and sat on his lap as his hands travelled around my waist and he started kissing my neck

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