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y/n stood at her own front door and fiddled with the hem of her shirt/dress, debating on wether or not she should knock on her own front door. would it be awkward between her and her mom? y/n was pretty aggressive to her before but she meant every word she said.

she took a deep breath and opened the door.

"y/n?" she heard her mother's voice.

"ah—i'm home?" she took of her shoes and looked to her mother who was walking towards her.

"welcome home, honey." she hugged y/n tight, which she reluctantly hugged back.

"i made some {favorite/food.}" her mom led her to the dining table.


"of course."

y/n grinned and sat down happily at the table.

"so," her mother started as she set down a plate/bowl of f/f. "how's u.a.?"

"it's fun, actually. not what i thought it would be."

"made any friends?"

"yes! shin-tan, mina, kiri, kami, sero, ura-chan—hopefully." she listed a couple more. "and obviously i still have katsuki and izu-kun."

"i'm happy for you." her mom smiled.

"i've been really cheery recently." y/n said, taking a bite.

"i see.." her mom pondered. "if you're happier at the bakugou's, and they're okay with you being there, i don't see why it's a problem you stay there."

"really? i thought forsure you didn't like it."

"it's..not my favorite, but ultimately, your well-being is what matters. it seems staying here is not all that great for you."

"yeah..you're right—but i'll visit you! we can go out on weekends and stuff. i don't have a problem with you, i have a problem with him."

"i know, but i love him a lot and you have to understand—"

"there's nothing to understand. he's mean and insulting and it's infuriating to even breath the same air as him."

"you're being unreasonable, y/n."

"i'm not. i'm tired of being harassed." she stood up and set her plate/bowl in the sink. 

"where are you going?"

"to my room to get more clothes." she hissed and walked up the stairs.

she came down a couple minutes later with a tote bag full of clothing.

"i'm leaving, have a good night, mom." she out on her shoes, voice laced with aggression.

"i love you." her mom sighed as y/n shut the front door.

ringing... sukii <3

y/n put the phone on speaker as she drove home, tears welling up in her eyes.

"babe?" he sounded exhausted.

"oh..am i interrupting something?"

"no, just had a bad day."

"oh—i'll call back another time, then. uhm—"

"don't." katsuki's gruff voice pleaded. "don't hang up i want to hear your voice. say something. anything."

"katsuki...are you okay?"

"we had to do go through a forest of fucking monsters is all. i'm fucking great."

"that makes one of us." she sighed and wiped the watering from her eyes.

"what happened?"

"i met with my mom today. i think she was trying to convince me to give s/d/n a chance, but i cut her off before she could get into it. i made it even more uncomfortable between us."

"that's bull. she can't make you do shit. especially when he's like that to you."

"yeah..i just hate talking about my flaws, sorry for being selfish."



"rant to me. i don't care what it's about if you don't want to talk about your relationship with them. you need to get your frustrations out with yourself. you're the closest thing to perfect i've ever seen in my life and i need you to fucking get that through your thick skull."

"oh." she was taken back.

"you keep fucking telling me you're selfish but what's wrong with that? you're the best and you do so much for me. there's nothing wrong with being a little selfish. i want to really know you, y/n. i feel like you know everything about me but you never talk about yourself. it—i just want to know you."

"okay, i'll tell you every little thing about me, baby."

"i've already memorized when you've shown me, dumbass. you just never seem to tell me your problems—or have them for that matter."

"i do, i just tend to resolve them on my own."

he grunted.

"i feel comfortable telling you everything, don't worry. i just think everyone has a different way of dealing with things, and i've been relying on only myself for as long as i can remember for my problems—that i do have by the way—so i've only ever known that way. i'm glad you're breaking that habit, katsuki. i want you to know me and i love you for telling me."

"whatever. that's...okay. you're fine, i just want you to come to me for stuff we've been dating for almost 2 years now."

"always from now on!"

"i love you, tell me shit right now."

"i love you! i will totally tell you about my poo!"

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i actually hate calls+ft because i nvr kno what 2 say but it's fiiine 😀

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