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A/n: Linked with the Bonus: Wartime in Jungkook and Lyr's fic! It'll be easier to understand some parts if you read both POV's, but not necessary :)




"Where are you going?"

His eyes are cold again. I'd bandaged the wound on his chest myself— I'd seen how deep it was. And he was going to another battle?

"I need to go. All the Heads are required."

"So what." I whisper, remembering how much he'd been bleeding yesterday. "It's been one day. You can't fight like that."

"I can."

"No, you can't!" I say, raising my voice. "You stopped bleeding last night. Why are you doing this again? Why can't you just see that—"

He makes a frustrated sound deep in his throat.

"I don't have time for this."

My throat feels like someone's shoved something in there as he turns and leaves, just like that. He doesn't even look back. Not once.

Angry tears flood my eyes.


If it was anyone else, I wouldn't care anymore after they'd treated me like that.

But it's Kim damn Taehyung, and I can't. I can't just sit around and wait for him to come back with worse wounds— or not come back at all.

So I find Lyr.

"A— second battle?" She repeats blankly when I tell her. "There's another? Just the Heads fighting?"

Her hand tightens into a fist.

"You've got to be kidding me."

My brows twist in confusion. "Jungkook didn't tell you about it? What did you think when he left?"

"He said he was going for a walk." She growls, twisting the hem of her shirt in her fingers. "A walk. I'm going to kill that rabbit for lying to me."

I nod.

My thoughts are still on Taehyung though, the entire way there. He'd almost acted like I was an an annoying burden. Like I was overreacting about everything.

"Stupid..." I mutter under my breath when my eyes start to sting again.

After all that we'd done?

Maybe all of that really meant nothing to him. Or maybe he'd just gotten sick and tired of being around me.

My heart hurts.


When we get there, I count only the Heads. There's six of them in total, including Head Jimin and Jungkook.

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