The Waiting Game - Part 2

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The sun was starting to sink in the sky.

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Rin wondered if it ever rained over the FDMZ. It was a bit of a stupid thought to have; it probably pissed rain all over the rest of Japan. The fog just stretched out into what looked like infinity, but they were hardly at the edge of the world. It felt like he'd been travelling through the FDMZ for months, but only two weeks ago he was in Sydney, the seasons changing and the frigid air slowly warming as he paced endlessly in the parking lot of Oaks Airfield for any indication that he'd be on the next flight, squinting into the distance for the sight of a plane against the deep blue sky. Australia. He wondered if he should have left. Out there, the world was still turning. He tried to be optimistic; it wasn't like all of Japan had fallen to some apocalyptic end of days. After all, the fog was thinner in Manidera Temple, up in the mountains, although a little shower wouldn't hurt, possibly clear up the atmosphere a bit.

Melt everything down with acid rain, more like.

Rin snorted quietly as he tucked himself in and zipped up, casting a lingering look at the row of bushes he'd just pissed all over. Fertilised. That he'd fertilised all over. There probably was a urinal and sleeping quarters within the temple compound, but he'd decided he didn't want to be too far away from Makoto. He deserved some company, at the end. Peeing in the corner of the garden was a small sacrifice.

Makoto was still sitting with his legs sprawled out, arms bound behind his back, tied to a stone lantern. His head hung forward. Rin couldn't see his face.

He felt his stomach growl. He touched it briefly and willed away the hunger.

He was going to be there for Makoto. Eating, pissing... he wasn't going to do any of that within earshot. He wasn't going to do anything to remind Makoto of what humanity he had left. If Makoto didn't eat, he wasn't going to either. Besides, they weren't expending any energy. It would be fine.

The clock was ticking.

It wouldn't be long, after all.

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"Hey, Rin," Makoto said listlessly, staring at nothing, head lolled uselessly to the side, "Do you ever wonder why zombies go for the head?"

Rin glanced up sharply, growing alert as he replied warily, "Sometimes. Why?"

"You know the saying, 'the eyes are the windows to the soul'? They're still human at the core. Maybe the face is all they recognise of a person anymore. Or maybe the eyes."

Rin held back the flash of remembrance. Coach Sasabe, with his face half-rotted. He swallowed, "Yeah, and they lunge in for a hug with their mouths."

"I mean, they retain some primal instincts that normal humans have. Maybe... maybe they need to be near someone. Maybe that's why they gather in hoards."

"They gather in hoards," Rin said, feeling defensive, slightly surreal and very disturbed that they were even having this discussion, "Because that usually indicates a food source. There's nothing romantic or philosophical about it. Don't you dare tell me zombies are misunderstood, because that is neither funny nor welcome at this juncture."

"And why the brains?" Makoto rasped, voice rough, "Is it because that's what hurts? They're always gripping their heads. I always thought it was the fog but now..."

Rin chewed on his lower lip in worry as the light from the small campfire he'd started cast dark shadows across Makoto's face. The sun had set a while ago. This had to be it. Makoto was getting delusional, talking like he knew how zombies felt. He was going to turn soon. Rin took deep breaths, reaching for his machete and stilling the slight tremble that ran through his arm. He was gripped by an onslaught of grief but he forced himself to hold it in. He had a duty to fulfil. He had to get through this.

"Rin. I'm... I'm hungry."


"I know... I know we shouldn't waste anything but could I... just get a bite..."

Shit, shit, shit.

"It hurts."

Rin could feel the tears welling up in his eyes and he forced himself to look up at Makoto, bracing himself for the pale-blue lips, the pallid skin rippled with visible veins and the whitened irises.

A very loud growl rumbled forth from Makoto's stomach. He lifted his head with much difficulty, mouth dry and eyes unfocused. And green. They were still green. They looked like they weren't actually seeing anything anymore, but they were most definitely still green. He was looking a bit pale all round, but not deathly.

"My... stomach hurts... and my throat too... maybe some... water?"

Rin slumped, loosening his grip on his machete. He waited for a beat before he wordlessly reached for the small water bottles in his backpack. His stomach began a small trill in response. He dug out a bag of dried fruit, leaving the protein bars aside for emergencies.

He uncapped the bottle and gently pressed the mouth to Makoto's cracking lips, not sure whether he was feeling tension or relief when Makoto had no qualms chewing and swallowing the apricot that Rin carefully fed him by tilting Makoto's head back at a slight angle and dropping it onto his tongue, limiting contact.

The infection usually set in anywhere between 20 minutes to 24 hours. Rin glanced at his watch. There was still time.

This was going to be a very long night.

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