Drop Dead

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Rin gasped as he forced himself to stand on his shaking feet, heavier than ever now that he was no longer supported by the buoyancy of the water. His clothes were soaked and his guns were most likely waterlogged. He barely had the strength to support Makoto's weight, opting instead to drag him by the collar of his vest across the muddy shore. The ground eventually turned into rock and soil the further inland he walked. Not willing to risk the slightest amount of exposure if he could help it, Rin continued to pull Makoto, with every ounce of strength in his body, until they were under a large conifer and hidden behind a boulder.

He dropped to his knees, clumsily forcing apart Makoto's clothes until he had direct access to the t-shirt he wore under all those layers. He straightened Makoto's neck and began CPR.

Pump, pump, pump, pump...

Rin counted thirty compressions. He pulled Makoto's head back, pinching his nostrils with one hand and exhaling as hard as he could into Makoto's mouth. He drew in another deep breath and repeated it. He knew he was doing it right; Makoto's chest was expanding. He drew his hands together into a fist, counting in his head.

Pump, pump, pump, pump...

"Come on," Rin pleaded, voice shaking, "Come on, Makoto. Please breathe."

Thirty compressions. He breathed into Makoto's mouth twice. No response. He started pumping his chest again, growing frantic.

"Please, Makoto. Please breathe. Wake up. Please wake up."

Thirty compressions. Two breaths.

"Come on, Makoto."

Thirty compressions.

"You have to wake up."

Two breaths.


Thirty compressions.

Rin started sobbing, faltering as he tried to exhale into Makoto's mouth.

He stopped counting, pumping away in a mess of tears and begging.

Makoto wasn't moving.

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Pump, pump, pump, pump...

Two breaths.

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