48. It's not a decision for you to make

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Arthur and Landon had abandoned the lab before we got out. Maybe they thought we wanted some privacy. Harlow washes her hands, trying to keep the blood off her skin, as I sit on one of the counters waiting.

"Are you all right?" I ask after she switches off the tap and takes some paper to dry her hands.

"Yes," Harlow clears her throat as she finds a way to me. She narrows her eyes as she stares, then extends her hand to my cheek.

"I'm sorry," She whispers and strokes her thumb next to the slight cut on my cheek.

"I'm all right," I reply and steal her hands in mine. The cuts on her skin have healed. It's pretty impressive. I hold her eyes as she looks down at me and I give her a little smile.

"I can't hurt you," She continues and breathes deeply as she stares back at the floor. Her face screams with unbearable pain that she refuses to talk about. I know she is suffering, but to admit to that is way too hard for her to do. It seems like it's easier to swallow it down and keep it locked deep into herself. Almost as if that is the only alternative she has, yet it's not.

"You're not going to hurt me," I claim, laying my hand under her jaw to make her gaze at me.

"That's not something I can guarantee you," Harlow clenches her teeth.

"It's all right," I say and grab her shirt to bring her closer to me. I lay my palms on her cheek to trace the black lines on her skin. They are a terrible reminder.

"It's not all right," She whispers back to me and I could feel her breath on my forehead. Her dark eyes are drowned in misery as she tries to drive me away again. I realize she's doing it not to hurt me. Yet, I don't want my last memory to be regret if she doesn't recover. Knowing that I could have spent the last few days with her in a manner that only a few people could have ever dreamed about in a lifetime.

"How long?" I ask, and she closes her eyes. I know very well she does it to avoid my question.

"How long," I can't make myself saying those words. It's too hard.

"More than two weeks," She responds, and I breathe out slowly. It's as if the weight of the world rests on my shoulders.

"I want to spend every second with you," I say to her, but she shakes her head.

"I can't leave you with such a burden if I die," I slap her cheek lightly and she back away from me with surprise.

"It's not a decision for you to make, Harlow. If I want to spend my time with you, I will," I inform her strictly. She was going to open her mouth to say something but didn't.

"I can't live without knowing how it would feel like to be with you," I lay my arms around her and hug her close with my face buried in her shoulder. I sense that she take a deep breath before she embraces me.

"Okay," She answers, and there's a bright grin on my lips. The knock on the front door makes both of us separate. Harlow turns away from me to unlock the door. Arthur and Landon stand in the doorway, unsure if it's alright to come inside.

"A-are you, all right?" Landon asks as he took a few steps inside as if she was about to bite.

"I'm all right," She shrugs and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Do you recall anything?" He asks.

"No, and I never do,"

"Okay," Landon says as he rubs the side of his head and continued his way to his computer.

"Are you okay?" Arthur asks me and I nod with a smile as we listen to Landon's irritating typing behind us.

"I've set up a team to help me find a solution for Harlow's illness, and we're going to start working on it tomorrow," Landon says, his eyes still fixed on his screen.

"I do suggest you stay more in the insulation room; I can't have you with other people," He says, and Harlow looks at me apologetically.

"What are you doing?" Arthur questions as he heads over to Landon.

"I'm waiting to see what's going on with Harlow as she turns," He explains.

"And?" Arthur's question captures Harlow's and mine's attention as we find our way over to them. I don't get what's going on the monitor. There is a lot of words and numbers scanning through.

"It seems like everything in your brain is shutting down, except for your survival instincts, but it seems that your brain is programmed to be more," He searches through the air to find the right word.

"More like an animal, I would say," He shrugs.

"But," Landon continues, and a huge, bright grin emerges on his face as he looks at us.

"And this is very interesting. The moment River stepped into that room, another instinct began to develop in your brain," Landon pauses. Still, he grins from ear to ear while the three of us are waiting.

"The protective instinct began to take hold, although slowly. I don't know why, but it could be that they have tried to turn that side of you away. However, they haven't been able to do so entirely," He seems baffled, yet sounds exceeded like he always has been with Harlow's case.

"And as Arthur said, you're not like the others," He turns to face the screen and scans through the details.

"I think the affection you have for River is the explanation for your protective behaviour," Landon says and I try to conceal a smile and the red tint of colour on my face. With her hand, Harlow covers her face. Landon glances back at us and it takes him a second to remember he wasn't meant to reveal what he just did.

"To be so bright you are still stupid," Arthur shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean, I thought," Landon says as he tries to save himself from further humiliation, but Arthur kicks him in the leg to stop him. I take Harlow by the hand and drag her to the front door after me.

"I guess I need to go back to my parents before they worry," I say, and she nods in agreement. I'm not going to bring up what Landon said because that would only make Harlow feel more embarrassed. I'm about to unlock the door and make my way out as Harlow stands in the gap to watch me. Uncertainty is all in her black eyes and I offer a smile.

"I'll be here tomorrow morning," I say and she smiles, but I can see the sadness cross her face. I guess she wants me to stay, but my parents should know that I'm all right and Harlow deserves to relax as soon as she can.

"Goodnight, Harlow," I smile and turn to find my way back.


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