57. Don't take her away from me

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My eyes open when I hear the door closing. Mary and my parents are coming to me with a feeling of sympathy painted over their faces. I gaze down at Harlow, who remains absent as I am still holding onto her hand.

"Are you all right, mi amor?" My mother asks, putting her hands on top of my shoulders. Mary gazes down at Harlow with her hand over her mouth. I can see that she's trying to conceal her emotions. However, just like me, she is struggling to hide them.

"No," I reply as I take my mother's hand in mine to have her embrace me from behind. Her comfort is calming, but she can't fill the void. There is only one person who can.

"I'm so sorry," She says. Tears stream down my cheeks as I can't manage to hold them in. Every time I shut my eyes, I can see her face, her beautiful dark eyes, looking down at me with affection and care as she holds me in her embrace. She is so beautiful that a description can't be compared to what the eye can see.

I stroke Harlow's hand with my own, hoping that she could open her eyes at one point, but it's not possible. It's dangerous how hope can delude you, how evil the little faith you hold in your heart.

"You know we're here for you, love," my father says as he places his hand on the top of mine that's clinging to Harlow's. A tiny smile comes to my face because of his gesture.

"I know," I say as he smiles warmly at me in an effort to console me.

"I'm sorry we weren't more accepting of you. We love you and we should be more willing to accept your decisions. Watching a daughter in such distress isn't anything that a parent wants. You're right that we haven't seen the greatest aspects of Harlow, but I know if you loved her, then she was good enough for our little girl. We should trust your judgment," He adds, which causes even more tears.

"Harlow loved you," I turn to Mary, who has tears in her eyes as well.

"She didn't want you to know at the beginning. Harlow was longing for you, but she knew she couldn't hurt you like you're hurting now," She reveals to me as she dries her eyes.

"She loved you so much that she chose to protect you, even though it made her suffer. Yet I don't think she expected you to be so stubborn," Mary smiles and gazes down at Harlow.

"Harlow sounds like a very selfless woman," my mother says and I nod.

"She was," I smile lightly. I believe I'm the luckiest person in the world who was able to know her the way I did.

"I need to go back to Harry. He misses her, too," Mary says, and I nod in agreement as she continues her way out of the room.

Before they left, my parents spent some time with me. I think they're concerned, I mean, I would as well if someone I loved was grieving. I've found myself in a position where I can't let go of Harlow's hand. For some strange reason, I feel like I might lose her if I do. I know she's not here, but it will make it more real if I let go of her hand.

The door opens and Arthur comes next to me. He looks down at the woman lying on the table-the woman who took my heart without even trying.

"Don't take her away from me," I plead and squeeze Harlow's hand even tighter.

"I'm not going to take her anywhere. I just needed to be here," He breathes.

"I couldn't find somewhere to collect my thoughts and this was the only place I could think of," Arthur explains.

"There is nowhere else I want to be," I say as I look at Harlow. She's still motionless and nothing has changed. Her heart won't beat and air is not being brought into her lungs.

"I'm going to be over there, "He points in the direction of the machines, and I nod. He gives me a smile before he leaves me alone. Arthur reads through the papers in silence as I sit here with Harlow. I place my cheek on her chest and decide to close my eyes. Perhaps dreams might be the only good place I have left. The only way to get away from the unbearable pain that Harlow's absence has left me.

Pressure on my hand causes me to wake up. I open my eyes, but no one else is there. I lay back down on Harlow's chest as I shut my brown eyes.

I find the most beautiful song ever being composed beating underneath her chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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