𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐬/𝐨 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞

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•joong was shocked when you admitted that your biggest insecurity was your legs, he thought they were beautiful!
•from that day on he would always compliment the way that your legs looked in all the clothes that you wore
•it upset him that you had such an insecurity but he knows that with his help, you can start to love your legs!
•'huh? your legs- but why? they're so pretty!'

•you was all a bit drunk tonight
•you was staying round the dorms and san bought up the idea how having a nice dinner and some drinks and playing some games
•you was playing truth and dare when seonghwa gave you a truth of what your biggest insecurity was, what he wasn't expecting was when you said it was your belly
•he probably feels a bit sad because you shouldn't feel like that about your body, hwa has had many thoughts about his body in the past and he was sad that his loved one was going through that themselves
•'i think every millimetre of your body is perfection baby'

•sad, just sad
•you know that little pout he does... he's doing it
•hates it when you tell him that you're insecure of your boobs, he realised in that moment that he had never seen you in a low top or without a top at all and you was almost 1 year into your relationship
•he will do his best to comfort you and make you start to feel good about yourself because he is sure that when it comes to it, he will love them
•'shhhhh, its okay. everyone has insecurities. do you wanna know mine too?'

•when yeo found out that you was insecure of your lips he was like....... why?
•doesn't really understand because he doesn't see why you wouldn't like anything about yourself
•this isn't because he doesn't have any insecurities himself, because I'm sure he does but its because he sees you as a literal angel and loves everything about you
•he will comfort you of course but will continue to ask why you're so insecure about them
•' okayyyy, but why? because i can't find a reason...'

•I think san has/ has had a lot of insecurities about himself in the past and probably in the present so he knows how it feels and he can sympathise with you a lot
•but like seonghwa he hates that you're going through that because he knows that its not nice from experience
•wherever it is that youre insecure about, he will praise 24/7 and won't stop telling you how beautiful that you and your body is.
•' you look really good today... my beautiful baby!!!'

•I feel like mini would only really pay attention to it when you're feeling down about it
•if you're having a bad day and you can't even leave the house because of how bad you feel about your insecurity then he will get sad on the inside but make funny faces and jokes to try and cheer you up
•he doesn't like when you're not feeling good about yourself because he loves when you're confident and showing off your beautiful body
•'you don't like what you're wearing?' *pout* 'but you look sooooo good'

•gets really sad
•talks to san about it, not for help but will end up getting advice from san anyway
•he will completely change his attitude towards your insecurity
•for example, if it was your arms that you don't like then he would buy tops with no arm bits on purpose and make you wear them out so that you started to realise that its not as bad as you think and youre making things up in your head?
•obviously he wouldn't force you if you was really uncomfortable with it but I think it would help you in the end if you did do it
•'i got you this today! put it on and lets go get some ice-cream!!!'

•like yeosang, jongho would question why that was your insecurity
•like he just doesn't understand why you're insecure over something like this but he will still try to help you and would probably do something similar to wooyoung
•would brag to his friends about how beautiful you are and if you was with him he would say something like...
(say your insecurity is your nose)
•...' look at her nose, don't you think that its beautiful??? like every part of her body!!!'

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐠𝐢𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now