𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐚 𝐧𝐮𝐝𝐞

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scenario ; you had been dating your boyfriend for a couple months now, you didn't know that (member) had a crush on you for a while now. you went to send your bf a photo of the new underwear that you had bought that day but you accidentally sent it to...


joong was producing in the studio today, normally on these days you didn't message him so when he saw your name pop up on his phone screen he was surprised

but when he opens the message he was even more surprised.

He was looking at the photo for a couple of minutes before he realised what had actually happened, he instantly replied 'i don't think this was meant for me y/n...'

he would be embarrassed because he has obviously never seen you like that before but he would also be kinda happy that you'd sent it to him and not your boyfriend lmao

next time you saw each other, you apologised but he had other ideas

he confessed that he had liked you for a while and that you should be more careful before sending those things because if he received another one... he might not be able to control himself


it was late evening and you had gone out with the guys for dinner, you had taken the photo earlier of the red luxurious underwear set that you had bought just the other day before your food came you went on your phone and set up the message whilst everyone else was talking among themselves, you forwarded the message and set you phone face down on the table.

one second later you notices hwa's phone ping, everyone 'oooooh'd thinking that hwa had been talking to someone to finally get over you because of your current boyfriend. you was questioning him 'oooo who is it? a girl' he looked at his screen and saw it was from you

'its from you y/n...?'

'huh? but i haven't messaged you..?'

"but... it says its from you y/n?'

'but i didn't-' hwa's jaw dropped as he opened the message and he looked at you like O.O thats when you realised your mistake... gonna be a long night love


it was about 8pm when yunho was sent to the cafe to retrieve coffee for the members and himself, they needed a boost so that they could continue practicing for their comeback that they was currently working on

when he got them he went back to the practice room and gave everyone their drinks, taking his first sip from his own - he heard his phone ping and opened up the notification, he instantly spat out his drink and begun coughing

everyone was trying to look at his phone to see what had caused him to react that way but he wouldn't let anyone look, he made an excuse to leave practice and headed straight for your house

' this wasn't for me... but unlock the door'


Just stares at the photo for like a good 20 mins before he realises that it's actually you and this was clearly an accident

Replies to you saying :
' y/n, you have a beautiful body and you deserve more than that jerk. Come over x'

You be like 😮

When you saw the reply and realised what you had done, you got ready and headed straight to the dorms where you apologised for accidentally sending that to him and asking what he meant by what he said...

...he just drags you into his room

San ;

Oh no, what did you do.

You and San were in the middle of sending eachother memes when you accidentally tapped on a photo you took earlier of you in your new baby blue lace underwear and sent it

You tried to delete it instantly but he was already on the chat. You called him so that he couldn't see the photo but when he picked up and you started begging him not to look at it, he had already seen it

You was apologising and begging him just to delete it, he stayed quiet until you calmed down and said
'Come over now.'
and ended the call hehe

Mingi ;

You two were on one of your normal Saturday cafe hang outs when you went to send the photo to your boyfriend, when you was done you sat your phone face down on the table and took a sip of your hot chocolate

Mingi was already on his phone so when your message popped up at the top of his screen he just opened it, you would normally message him when you was with him if there was something that you wanted to say to him but just not out loud so it didn't seem odd at first...
That was until he opened it

He threw his phone at you with an 'ah', his eyes were bigger than you'd ever seen them and he looked like he'd seen a ghost.

When you picked up his phone and saw that you'd actually messaged the snap to him your face turned the exact same then he spoke up,

'What are you trying to do to me y/n!?! I'm already in love with you!'

You was shocked at the sudden confession but soon picked up your phone, calling your 'boyfriend' and instantly breaking it off in front of Mingi before hanging up and winking at him from across the table.

Wooyoung ;

You had been with the boys in the practice room all day, you and woo were best friends since you met at a dance class when you was younger

Woo had been teaching you some dances for a few hours and you'd just decided to have a break and sat on the floor together. You opened your phone as you remembered to send that photo you took earlier, you sent it and stood up, walking out to get a refill.

When you walked out you heard Wooyoung scream from behind you so you ran back in to see him looking at his phone, his mouth was open so wide and he was almost drooling, when you asked what was wrong he begun pointing between you and his phone screen.

You rolled your eyes and walked over to him, looking at his screen... this time you was the one to scream as all the boys ran over to have a look too... you ran off with the phone whilst woo stayed put.

Jongho ;

You and Jongho had planned a gaming night and so far he was winning, you went off to the bathroom in a strop and decided to send the photo you took earlier to your boyfriend, hoping that he would praise you and make you feel a bit better.

After you was done you went back into the room to see Jongho day on his phone, he coughed when you walked in and sat next to him and asked awkwardly

'Uhm... are you- are you wearing that right now?'

You had no idea what he was talking about and the way you looked at him so innocently after what you'd just done drove him insane

'The photo- are you wearing that now?'
'What photo-'
'The one you just sent me....'

You didn't understand why he was being so awkward until he opened his phone and held it up to your face, you gasped and grabbed his phone

'How did you get that?!?! I just sent that to-'
'Me... y/n you sent it to me'

He took his phone back and when you asked him to delete it, he refused.

𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐠𝐢𝐟 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now