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The low hung branches whipped across my face as my bare feet carried me through the forest, the heels I once wore long forgotten. The cuts, though small, felt like knives, the pain only intensifying with the strong gusts of wind.

I dared not look back, for fear of what I knew was pursuing me. The rustling of leaves and snapping of twigs behind me grew louder with each passing moment, a sinister symphony of impending doom.

My heart pounded in my chest as I pushed myself to run faster, desperate to evade the malevolent force that was closing in on me.

As I stood on the riverbank, the wind howled and the trees creaked ominously, as if warning me of the dangers that lay ahead.

The river beckoned before me, its waters roiling with an otherworldly energy that sent shivers down my spine; a crossing fraught with peril yet it offered sanctuary from what hunted me mercilessly through this cursed forest.

I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I could muster up the courage to cross such a treacherous river.

But then a twig snapped behind me, breaking through the silence like a gunshot, causing my heart to leap into my throat. I spun around, only to find nothing but shadows dancing menacingly in the moonlight.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and stepped into the river, feeling the cold water rush around my ankles.

The current was stronger than I had anticipated, and I stumbled, my feet slipping on the slick rocks.

I struggled to keep my balance, as my heart continued racing with fear.

As each moment passed like an eternity amidst howling winds and creaking trees casting ominous shadows upon me like vengeful spirits from beyond this world's veil - hope flickered dimly within my chest.

But giving up was not an option - not when danger lurked so close behind me. With gritted teeth and sheer determination fueling every step forward through that malevolent waterway, one foot after another pushed against nature's resistance.

Reaching safety on opposite shore proved no easy feat, especially not with the gaudy gown I'd been forced into.

Nails clawed desperately for purchase while clinging onto anything solid enough for salvation's grasp before finally pulling myself free from that watery abyss - exhausted yet alive.

The moon hung high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the dense willow forest. The branches swayed ominously in the wind, whispering secrets of long-forgotten horrors. I stumbled through the tangled undergrowth, my heart pounding with fear.

"Harley! Harley, I don't want to hurt you. Just come out so we can talk."

Talk?! Ha. The only "talking" that will happen if you come near me is my knee to your balls.

Too caught up in trying to decipher the position of the voice, I failed to notice a loose branch in my path. With a sudden snap and a sharp pain shooting through my ankle, I tumbled down a small hill, rolling uncontrollably until I came to rest at the bottom.

Next thing I remember is tumbling down and rolling down a small hill.

Damn this cursed forest, I cursed under my breath as I struggled to get up. But before I could even attempt to stand, the sound of crunching leaves and snapping twigs filled the air once more.

Trying to get up, I let out a cry of pain. My ankle. There was no way I could put pressure on it.

That coupled with the nearing footsteps, my breathing became laboured.

The air was thick with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves, mixed with the metallic tang of blood from the cut on my leg.

The smell of damp earth and rotting leaves filled my nostrils as I lay on the forest floor. The scent of fear and desperation mingled with the musty odour of the forest.

The Vanishing Girls Of Willow Creek (Willow Creek, #1)Where stories live. Discover now