Chapter Twenty Six

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It's the things that you least expect that hit you the hardest. - Unknown

As I walked down the hall towards the library, I was still trying to take in what I had just heard.

My steps were echoing in my ears as I continued walking. But, it felt like I was watching someone else walk. If that makes any sense.

While I know it's me, it just doesn't feel like it is.

As I entered I felt all eyes turn to me.

"Hey Masterson! What did you do now? Did you have your boyfriend kill your teacher because he marked your test wrong?" A boy hollered as I walked towards the computers where everyone else sat.

I recognized him as the boyfriend of the girl who called me Mr. Haggerty's girlfriend during auditions.

The librarian, as expected, shushed him, which he brushed off.

I just rolled my eyes and sat in the only empty seat beside Damon.

"Ignore him. They're just a bunch of tools." He assured me.

"It's whatever. I'm used to it by now. I just figured by now they'd stop mistaking me for someone who gives a damn what they think."

He chuckled. "Something tells me most of them aren't too bright."

"You're telling me," I huffed. "I'll be so happy when I'm done with this place."

"Only one more year after this. You can tough it out. Since meeting you, I've gotten the impression that you're not one who is easily bothered with others opinions."

"Then I would tell you that you are correct in that assumption."

By now everyone was carrying on conversations as if it were any other day. Like we did not just find out our teacher was found dead.

Or that he had apparently confessed to Miranda's murder. A fact only I know, aside from the principal and police force. A fact I still was trying to comprehend.

I couldn't help but look at the clock every couple seconds.

"You know, looking at the clock isn't going to make it move any faster. It doesn't hear you saying 'Move clock! Move!' Period will be over soon." Damon told me.

I huffed, knowing he was right. Instead I logged onto the computer, feeling a sudden burst of inspiration. I hadn't written anything since the funeral.

My fingers flew furiously across the keyboard as the words seemed to spill out.

While it will never be something we can truly escape, the most brutal kinds of deaths are the ones that come unexpectedly. The ones where you're never given the chance to say goodbye.

That is what happened to the family of Miranda Hutchins.

Their daughter was taken from them, swiftly and unexpectedly.

Their daughter will never age past sixteen. She will never have a career, kids, or a future.

Their only chance stolen.

The Vanishing Girls Of Willow Creek (Willow Creek, #1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin