Chapter 26 ✔️

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I woke up to a bad dream drenched in sweat. I didn't recognize my surroundings immediately which didn't help with my pounding heart. After a few seconds of heavy breathing I remembered that I was in a guest bedroom inside Tyler's family home.

Looking over to the digital watch I see that it's 3:15 in the morning. It felt like the nightmare was never going to end. I really hope this is the last nightmare for a while. I don't hear any rustling so I hope I didn't wake up anyone.

I lay back down onto my pillow with a sigh. I won't be able to go back to sleep after what happened. I wonder if Tyler is still awake?

Lifting myself up from the bed I tip toe over to the door. I don't know why I'm tip toeing, it's not like any one is going to wake up from me walking in my room. Nonetheless I continue to tip toe over to Tyler's room. Luckily it was only a few doors down from mine.

I decide against knocking seeing as I don't want to accidentally wake someone up and let myself in. It's still dark but I can make out that his bed is empty. That's strange. I notice the doors leading to his balcony are open. Maybe he just needed some air.

At 3 in the morning.

I walk over to his balcony and step out into the cold night. I should've brought a blanket with me or something. Rubbing my arms to create some extra heat I notice Tyler sitting on the roof.

" You missed me that much?" I hear his deep voice ask.

Damn his voice is even deeper this early into the morning.

" I couldn't sleep." I shrug as I climb my way up the roof with a little help from him and sit down next to his warm body.

He doesn't look tired at all. He's dressed in dark gray sweatpants and a light t-shirt. His hair is a little messy but in a really attractive way.

" Why are you up?" I question after a few minutes of silence.

" I don't sleep much." he replies in monotone.

Now that he's admitting it I think back to all the times he showed up early at the dorm. I always wondered why he was so full of energy when the sun hasn't even started to rise.

" So you like climbing roofs when you're not sleeping?" I ask trying to lighten the mood. I don't know if I'm doing it for him or for myself.

Tyler chuckles as he shakes his head. He digs into his pocket and lights up a joint. I feel a deep conversation coming my way.

" It's peaceful up here. " he states as he blows out the smoke from the joint. He hands it over to me and I gladly take a pull. It's better than cigarettes.

I look at the view in front of us. From where we're sitting I can see the brightly lit up garden. The lights are scattered across the massive garden and it looks breathtaking. The water coming from the fountain gives the whole atmosphere a calm vibe. I see why Tyler likes it up here.

A shiver runs down my spine. Tyler notices it and pulls me closer to him. I don't push away as I savor up his body heat. Why are boys always this damn warm?

" Why couldn't you sleep? " he asks looking at me for a few seconds before focusing his attention back on the garden.

" I had a bad dream." I admit taking another pull from the joint.

Tyler's grip tightens around me like he's trying to protect me. I know he can keep me safe physically but it's impossible to keep me safe from my nightmares. Even though I really want him too. I just have to rely on my medication to do its job.

" What was it about?" he questions rubbing my arms up and down to provide more warmth.

The questions makes me think back to the nightmare I had. Just thinking of it makes me shiver in fright. Mom is the only one who knows what happens in those dreams. It took me a while to actually retell her all the details. It's too painful to admit out loud.

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