Chapter 41 ✔️

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Dear Diary

These last few days have been absolutely insane. It went from going to Tyler's hometown for a peaceful and cheerful christmas break to getting stuck in family drama from Haiyley's engagement to fighting with a duck and finally to Tyler saying the L word to me. Crazy I know. Did I say it back to him? I panicked before bursting out into a fit of laughter. Tyler of course thought it wasn't appropriate and was a little upset but he reassured me that he isn't pressuring me to say it back to him. Am I in love with him? I don't know. There's a thin line between having strong feelings for someone and actually being in love with them. I just have to figure it out. Meanwhile mom called me on christmas day and freaked out on me for not coming home. Nothing out of the usual. Now I'm sitting in the car with Tyler on our way back to campus to meet up with Emily and the rest of the people to head over to our little get away for the next couple of days. I haven't seen Emily since I witnessed her getting dirty with Parker... Wish me luck.


As we drive in on campus I can feel my insides turning into a knot.

Why am I nervous?

You did see your best friend having sex.

My conscience has a point.

I shiver as the images begin flooding back into my head from having to witness that.

" Ally? You look like you've seen a ghost." Tyler laughs.

" I wish that was the case."

We drive into the parking lot of my building. Tyler helps me unload my luggage and carry it up to my dorm. I haven't bumped into Emily... Yet.

" I'll see you in a little bit babe. " Tyler greets before leaving a kiss on my cheek and dissappearing out of the dorm.

Not shortly after I hear the door knob turn and in comes Emily and Parker. Emily giggles before smashing her lips on Parker's. Neither of them notice me as they continue on frightening me until I clear my throat.

" Oh - Ally - hey." Emily laughs awkwardly.

The atmosphere is awkward as the three of us stand there and stare at each other. I have to hold back a gag every time an image pops back up in my head. I need a mind eraser.

" So uh how was the trip with Tyler? " Parker asks trying to clear the awkward atmosphere.

I nod my head not being able to form any words.

" That's good-" Emily starts but I cut her off when I lift up my hand.

" I'll be back in a few minutes. Tyler is on his way. " I say before exiting the dorm.

God that was awkward.

I busy myself by walking over to Dommy's Cafe to grab an iced coffee before heading back to my building. I stop by at the girl living across from the dorm who usually does my laundry for me to unload most of my dirty clothes that came from the trip Tyler and I just got back from. It isn't a huge pile of clothes seeing as the help washed most of it but there were still a few clothes that were dirty. Don't worry, I left the girl a $20 bill before returning back to my dorm.

" Are you girls ready?" Tyler asks as he enters the dorm.

" I'm here too you know." Parker adds.

" So?" Tyler shrugs.

I pack the last of my things before Tyler and I start carrying my luggage to my car. Seeing as we are a few people we are going down with 3 cars. Emily, Samantha and Trish will be going with me. Parker and Mason will be going with Tyler. Zac and Jackson are coming together along with Jackson's new girl who I haven't met. All in all this upcoming few days are going to be a blast.

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