Part 12

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I leaned back into the couch, brushing my hair out of my face with my hand. The hospital was bringing in some sort of trauma councilor guy for all the doctors. We would have to go to group therapy for a week, then we would do private sessions with him. 

"...and you're not allowed to operate until he clears you," Jackson finished, voice laced with disgust and annoyance.

Lexie had joined us by now, she leaned against the doorframe as she sighed. April looked shocked, and Jackson and I were just plain annoyed. 

"That is so stupid," I mutter, gaining nods of agreements from my roommates.

For awhile, we all sat in the living room talking about the hospital. It seemed that everyone expected me to know everything because I was married to the chief. I didn't know anything more than them. I told them about how Derek had quit the job, and this was all Webber's doing.

"So, Webber expects everyone to be at the hospital tomorrow for the first session of group therapy, and every day for the next six days after that at the same time."  Jackson explained. 

"Are all the attendings going with us?" April asked.

"No, they have their own meeting. Ours is just us, the residents."

This earned another groan in annoyance from me, and based on the way Jackson looked, he was angry as well. We sat in silence to process this information for a few minutes, before I decided to change the subject. 

"What did you have for lunch?" I asked. 

"Grilled cheese. There's still two or three in the kitchen if you want them." April responded. 

I nodded and stood up, getting two sandwiches which were not cold and going back upstairs to my husband. I opened the door to find him flipping through pages in a medical journal. 

I took a large bite out of my sandwich and forced myself to swallow. Derek greeted me with a smile when I walked in and I sat down next to him in bed. 

"Grilled cheese? It's kinda cold now but still good," I said as I offered him the sandwich.

He chuckled and accepted, and we sat in silence eating. 

"Jackson came back from the hospital when I got downstairs. Webber is bringing in some sort of trauma councilor guy we all have to talk to. First week is group therapy and then it's private sessions," 

"Oh, wow," 

"And get this," I could feel my tone raising with anger as I spoke, "you're not allowed to operate until he clears you!" 

"Are you worried you won't get cleared?"

I opened my mouth to shoot back a response, but I had not been expecting him to say that. I was taken aback. 

"I...Honestly, I don't know. But for some reason it makes me mad,"

"I get it. You want things to be normal again as soon as possible, right?"

I nodded, forcing myself to take another bite of the sandwich. I really wasn't hungry, and it almost felt like I was going to throw anything I ate back up. By now though, I was about halfway done with the sandwich. 

"I have to go in tomorrow for that group therapy. We all do. It won't take too long, but will you be okay while I'm gone?" 

Derek smiled, "Of course I'll be okay,"

"I'm going to worry about you,"

"You shouldn't,"

"But I will anyway, and I don't think it's going to stop anytime soon. So get used to it,"

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