Part 19

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The next day, I went to work early, hoping to avoid having to talk to Derek or his mother. Derek was skipping PT again to spend the day with Carolyn. I had some last minute wedding plans to wrap up with Cristina before I was going to claw and steal my way into any and every surgery possible.

In the OR I was unconscious of what was happening outside. For a few short hours, I was free from cruel reality. I really needed that today, I was dreading having to go home and talk to Carolyn after last night.  

Hours later, I scrubbed out with Bailey after an six hour long procedure, my third surgery that day. I was exhausted, my shift had ended hours ago, and I knew I finally needed to get home.

Between surgeries I had made sure Owen knew what he was wearing the next day, finished picking out the flowers and making sure all the details were perfect. I needed to talk to Cristina before her wedding tomorrow. Knowing her, she was still here at the hospital somewhere.

Quickly I changed out of my scrubs and grabbed my belongings before I began to walk the halls, searching for Cristina. A nurse said she had seen her go down to the Pit not long ago, so I headed down as well. When I got down there, I skimmed the doctors and patients for my person. I caught a glimpse of her curly black hair disappearing around a corner and took off after her. 

I reached her in an empty hallway. "Cristina!"

She stopped and turned around to look at me.

"I'm going home Mer. Owen and I have to make sure everything is in order for tomorrow,"

"That's what I need to talk to you about,"

"Oh god, did the caterers cancel? McDreamy's mother won't let you host? What happened?"

"No, no, everything is fine. It''s you. And Owen,"

Cristina frowned.

"Listen, as your person, I feel like I have to tell you what I've been thinking. I'm always on your side, and I want you to be happy but...are you sure that this is the right thing to do right now?"

"What?" Cristina looked offended.

"I mean, you both have PTSD right after living through a shooting, you are rushing everything along really fast. Are you sure about this?"

"No. You don't get to do that, Mer. Tomorrow is my  wedding. You don't get to come over here and confront me about my decisions in my life!"

"Yes, yes I do get to do this! Derek is the love of my life but you are my soul mate,"

Cristina stopped, slightly shocked at what I had just said.

"I'm your person. Your twisted sister. So I do get to do this," I reiterated. 

"I am getting married to Owen Hunt tomorrow. Wether you like it or not," Cristina hissed before turning and storming off.

So that went a lot like I was expecting it to go. Of course she was mad, I just questioned her judgement about her love the night before her wedding. 

But if she was sure about it, then I would support her. I had to, it was my job. Sighing, I turned to leave the hospital and go home. Hopefully everyone would be asleep by the time I got there,  it was around midnight.

To my surprise the light to the master bedroom was still on when I got upstairs. Everything else was quiet and dark, I had assumed Derek would be asleep as well. 

"You're late. Really late," My husband observed from his spot in bed. 

"Yeah, I got pulled into surgery with Bailey for six hours right as my shift ended, sorry,"

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