Chapter Five ~ My Mate

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No matter what Tala did she just couldn't relax.
Her mind kept drifting back to what happened earlier that morning.

Her body no longer hurt but her head was definitely a jumbled mess.
She just couldn't get Luke out of her mind no matter how hard she tried.

Finally giving up after finishing her book and the last bit of fruit from her tray, she decided to stretch her legs and take the tray back down to the kitchen.

"What?!" Tala exclaimed to the silence after opening the fridge.

"There were pancakes?" She gasped in mock offense.

They've been keeping her on a strict diet while she heals. Rolling her eyes she grabs the milk and walks away.

While making herself a cup of coffee, she couldn't help but stare towards the barn. Everything inside of her was telling her that she needed to go in there.

'Maybe while they were all gone I could check out who these guys really are.' Tala thought as she walked out the door, carefully drinking her coffee as she made her way.

The grass was still wet from the morning dew and it was tickling her bare feet as she walked through it

As soon as she entered the barn she could smell him. His scent was all over everything.
Especially the upstairs.

'This must be where he sleeps', she thought looking at the couch when she made it up there.
Tala noticed a suitcase under the coffee table and began rummaging through it.

"How's your snooping going?" Luke's voice came from behind her a few moments later.

Making her jump and hit her head hard on the table.
Almost knocking her coffee off of it.
Tala looked up at him in shock but quickly turned her back to him.
Realizing that he was stark naked.
Currently using his towel to dry his hair.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, I should go" she said as she tried covering her eyes but Luke gently grabbed her wrist before she could.

"You have no reason to go, stay, talk to me." Luke asked.

She noticed he had already wrapped his towel around his very fit, very attractive waist.

"How are you feeling?" He asked with his brows furrowed in concern.

"Better." She sheepishly responded shrugging her shoulders slightly.

He had forgot humans weren't used to seeing naked bodies the way that wolves are.
It was amusing watching her reaction to him in such a way.
Every moment with this delicate, curious little bunny, made him want to know more about her.

Even right now.
He couldn't be mad at her.
Instead he found it and her even more adorable.

'What was he even doing here? He was supposed to be with the others.' She thought to herself.

"So, What were you looking for?" Luke asked staring strait into Tala's eyes.

'Why wasn't he mad?' She wondered to herself.

"Ummm finding out if you're a boxers or briefs kind of guy." she joked as she tried to force the cheesiest grin she could muster.

She could feel her face becoming hot and red from the embarrassment.
Why couldn't she have come up with a better excuse?

"You could of just asked and I could of told you, maybe even of modeled them for you." He said flirtatiously as he bent beside her to grab a pair of boxer briefs from the front pocket of the suitcase and began twirling them around his finger.

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