Chapter 33

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We sat at the front because I wanted to hear everything and the kids were well behaved and Craig kept cursing about something but I didn't mind him, like I totally just ignored him and he put his hand on my lap on the church, this person was testing me and he was pressing the right wrong buttons at the wrong place. The church service was over and it took only 3 hours we were leaving since I wasn't part of any group or anything and I wanted it to stay that way.

"Mommy can we please stay for Sunday school" Katelyn said while we were walking out the Church and I wasn't sure if Craig would want that since we came with his car "it's only takes a few hours we will call if we want to leave" Kylie added. I guess Katelyn filled her up about what goes down in there

"Uh yes, you can go" I said and they immediately left "Do you wanna stay too?" I asked and he just nodded with a hug smile and hugged me while Craig was standing there and now it was just the two of us and I turned my back and we were walking to the car silently

"Miss Adams" I knew it was Bob some guy that really annoys me and I stood at the passenger seat and Craig just stood there too "Can I get your number so I can call when the child have to leave?" He was breathing heavily from the run he made to get to ne before I left.

"No, the children knows our number so they would give it to who ever that time" Craig said while fixing his eyes uncomfortably at him and that was unnecessary

"Uh okay" and I gave him a half smile and he just lightened up because I barely smile with him and Craig opened the door for me and went to his side.

"What you did was so unnecessary" I said through my frustration

"I'm sorry" that's all he said  and he put his hand on my lab again and I could feel my body losing eat and developing some goose bumps and I bushed it off.  "You can go to your house and I will fetch the children" I said while opening and the door and leaving it open for him to get in.

"No, I'll stay" He said while coming in and I went to change into a orange floral dress and it was short but it was comfortable for me after church and some sleepers.

"Do you need anything?" I asked while taking out water and he didn't say anything  and just stare

"You" he said and still looking at me and I'm just shocked because i could see the signs and i acted stupid maybe we should just get this over and done with

"Where's Vivian?" I asked while walking up to the opposite couch and looked at him

"A center, She couldn't handle having the kids and it's said that it happens to most women" he said looking down

"So you are going to wait for her? Or maybe when she comes back you leave everything again?" I meant about me leave me for her like the last time

"It's not like we build some relationship, I thought it would be good for the twins but it wasn't working and I ended things" he said still looking down and I wasn't sure what to say "I'm sorry for leaving you for her but she gave me no choice" He said while looking at me with hurt and betrayal

"What do you mean by that? " I stared at him and he was willing to open up and talk about it " I suggest you talk" those words came out cold

"I had to choose between you or the kids " he said that faster and was gasping for air by the end of his sentence " I'm really sorry I hurt your feeling but I had to be there for my kids , support build and give them everything I never had" I had no words so I kept quiet. He had to choose and I wasn't the choice. I could under where he is coming from but that don't mean what he did hurt any less

"So, Dave and you are together?" He asked breaking off the silence

"Yes we are" I said and he looked devastated and damn I lied to myself when I said I didn't love him "not like that though, he's my cousin" a sign of relief flashed on his face a bit

"So, Kate's Father" he asked

"What about him?" I asked while sipping on the water

"Where is he?" He asked again

"I don't know him" I said and he seemed surprised by what I've said

"But how, did they r..." He couldn't complete the sentence and was a bit shaken.

"Oh No, it's a long story" I said and he looked relieved that he's got time and I told him everything from the day I saw them at the food court with Vivian and was surprised I was still there for a moment but no one ever saw me except for Matt. We talked thing most things we bottled up and just wanted to start on a clean slate. I felt like I was moving to fast but life is too short and I can not resist what I'm feeling and what is  in front of me. The love of my life , has and always been.


I was surprised that she hasn't sleep with anyone or even moved on but her broken heart has learnt to love a child like her own and I just saw the women I loved and always loved years ago

"So you in a relationship?" I had to ask and she just shakes her head No and I rushed up to her "so can I do this?" I said while placing my lips on hers and there were still soft as i remembered them and I picked her up and placed her on the counter and she responded to the kiss and let out a gentle moan

"I've missed you so much." I said and she pulled out for a while trying to get some air but I didn't want to let go because I wouldn't have moments  like this with children around and we got a call telling us to fetch the children and I was glad we that it wasn't that fool who called "We need to leave" I pick her off the counter and we walked out the house "that dress is too short damn" I said as we stopped to buy the children food because instead of cooking we were busy talking about the past and in between. Man were busy looking at her and i hated that. Maybe I'm territorial but i have always been when it comes to her and i can not help it. she insisted on paying and I wasn't going to let her do that which led to us arguing in front of people and the line was now stuck and she is still stubborn like ever

"If you pay, I stay the night" I said and she was shocked and paid anyway and I took the food and left while giving those guys dirty looks while we walked to the car "you not wearing that dress ever" I said meaning it

"You don't tell me what to do" and she looked at her phone, this women is testing me. We got to the church and locked the door with her inside she won't get out like that and the kids got in the car and began eating immediately when they got the food. they couldn't keep shut about everything they were doing and how much fun they had. I  moved a bit slowly and put my hands on her thighs moving my hand to her tummy and stopped around her panties and I could see the astonishment in her eyes and tried to move back but was backed by the chair

"what are you doing?" her voice came out very shy and low

"You aren't wearing that dress in public, ever again" I said moving my hand slowly and she jacked and nodded quickly and i removed my hand and we drove to the house.

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