Chapter 2

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"And like the moon we must go through phases of emptiness to feel full again"

Aphy lay in her bed facing the ceiling.
She never really has time to herself before. When not being busy she was consumed by her own thoughts.
Why was her life like this?
She always had that look the look of otherness of eyes that see things much to far and of thoughts that wander if the edge of the world. Most nights were tough, she lays there in the darkness, overwhelmed by things she wish she didn't think about. It is hard to sleep if your heart in in war with your mind.

However they soon became to much to handle her thoughts consumed her and ate away her brain.
She could no longer breathe her chest felt constricted. She felt pain in her heart and her mind holding her hand towards her heart she let out a ear piercing scream which travelled throughout the whole house but she wasn't aware of her surrounding. Before she knew it her hands were reaching out towards the glass vase on the bedside table flinging it into the air. A crash resounding from the impact the glass pieces now broken littering her bedroom floor. Her mind still consumed with her deadly thoughts she couldn't hear or see she didn't know where she was. It was killing her. Her blood curdling screams continuously resounded from the back of her throat. Her throat felt hoarse but she couldn't stop. Her mind was in a whole different dimension. She grabbed anything she could throwing the books onto the floor, breaking the mirrors, throwing the blankets. She was just like a storm, even the skies scream sometimes too.

She found herself curled up in the corner of the now messy bedroom

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She found herself curled up in the corner of the now messy bedroom. Like a flip she turned off all her emotions. She felt so much that she started to feel nothing. Her mind was absolutely silent. She no longer felt, she was empty she felt nothing at all. She wasn't sad anymore she was numb and numb she knew was somehow much worse.

During this commotion standing in her door frame was 6 pairs of horrified eyes. No one believed that the once composed girl who walked through the doors now lay in the corner curled up.
But what really horrifies them is the look on her face. Empty. Her tear streaked face with her eyes glazed over. The look of blankness filled her expression staring of into nothing.

"What a psycho" Lola exclaimed
"Right back to bed kids" Evan called towards everyone directing them towards their rooms.

Evan felt helpless he couldn't intervene otherwise it would make things much worse. He has had a fair share of traumatic teens in the past but has never once met someone quite like Aphy, he once again was filled with curiosity to the troublemaker; the girl with the blank file.

Next Morning

Aphy found herself in a curled up position in the corner of the room. This was normal for her: finding herself in compromising positions in the mornings. However she never dwell on it for to long after all she has much important things to do.

Walking down the stairs she finds herself in the dining room. She was last to enter. After securing a seat she fixed up some cereal for herself. The kids and Evan eyed the girl skeptically.
"What? Quit staring" said the girl with a pointed look.
"Your such a bitch" muttered Lola
"I understand that you don't like me but I need you to understand that I don't fucking care" Aphy fired looking straight towards Lola with a smirk on her face.

"Your such a bitch" muttered Lola"I understand that you don't like me but I need you to understand that I don't fucking care" Aphy fired looking straight towards Lola with a smirk on her face

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Slamming her spoon on the table she ran out the door.
"Hey get back here. Your not allowed to leave!" Yelled Evan however the troublemaker was long out the front door.

Evan respected the girl hugely. It didn't matter that she fell apart it was how she put herself together again. She was truly powerful not because she wasn't scared but how she went on so strongly despite the fear. She was one of the most strongest people Evan has come across. Strength isn't about how much you can handle before you break. It's about how much you can endure after you've been broken.

"What am I going to do with her" muttered Evan rubbing his eyes tiredly.
How could he possibly see through the girl she was completely closed off.
"She's so weird" said Andres looking towards the front door where Aphy just left.
"I like her" stated Willow with a joyous smile.
It was no fact that Willow was the most happy from the new arrival, she always had trouble making friends but she truly believed Aphy is the one.
"Of course you do, you like everyone" exclaimed Kato.
"Has anyone talked to her or found out anything about her" Evan questioned the delinquents.
Everyone shook their heads signalling a solid no. Evan was disappointed but not surprised.

Everyone sat at the table silently pondering over the Greek goddess. They all had to admit she was special. She had this aura about her combining a mean angel with a kind devil. She was fragile not like a flower but like the bomb.

Aphy entered the house once night had fallen.
"Nice to grace us with your presence" said kato once Aphy stepped through the front door.
"Just in time for dinner"
Aphy groaned internally not again she would surely be in huge trouble after her disappearance today. However, she was surprised when no one came looking for her once she ran away after all they were living in the middle of nowhere.

Walking through the house into the dining room. She quietly sat down onto her chair. She was not hungry at all, but it was one of the rules they had to follow: Always be present during breakfast, lunch and dinner. She sat there staring at the table in front; whilst everyone started eating their dinner.
Everyone observed the girl, who seemed deep in thought.

Evan suddenly stood up and walked towards Aphy. Picking up her empty plate he began loading on some food. Placing the now filled plate in front of the girl.
"Here come on have something to eat" he spoke softly. All the delinquents looked towards Evan in bewilderment. In all the time here they have never heard Evan speak so softly. It was clear that Aphy was his favourite.

"I'm not hungry" she quietly replied in the same soft spoken tone.
"Please" begged Evan
Aphy looked up towards Evan, he looked genuinely concerned. This erupted a weird feeling in the pit of her gut. She never had anyone care if she ate or not. She couldn't get attached. She picked up the fork and digged into the dinner rather slowly. Conversations once again filled the room most being crude and violent earning grunts and looks of displeasure from Evan.
Aphy can't help but be curious about Evan. Why was he working here with a bunch of delinquents if he could be free out in the world exploring? She stopped the thought immediately before her mind could wonder. She couldn't get attached.

"How would you kill someone" questioned Willow
"Duh a gun" replied Andres
"Poison" Lola states with a sickening smile
"I prefer a knife" said Finley. This was the first time she heard Finley talk. He had a deep voice his expressions remaining neutral.
"Willow you would just have to be in their presence, your so annoying they would end up killing themselves" Andres said with a laugh.
"Shut up" Willow said despite her annoyance she still had a smile looming her face.
"What about you" Questioned Kato to the quite girl.

Everyone listened in to what the girl had to say. Evan couldn't help but be curious what the girl's answer would be despite the topic of the conversation. However the answer she gave was what they least expected from the Greek beauty.
"Fill them with love, then leave" she stated quietly.
A sudden uncomfortable silence filled the dining room. Everyone was at a loss of words. She was honestly smart. Evan was baffled at the words spoken. She's an old soul with young eyes, a vintage heart and a absolutely gorgeous mind.

She was rare because she was real.
She was the type of girl the moon chased and the stars wished for.

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