Chapter 4

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Waking up wasn't difficult. I was used to getting up at an early time, so I figured that making breakfast wouldn't hurt. Before I went into the kitchen, I took a shower, got changed, brushed my hair, and took a painkiller.

It was 6:00 by the time I walked into the kitchen. I decided to cook the typical breakfast which consisted of scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, and fruit. By the time I was done, Stefano, Jett, and Adrian walked into the room. The twins, however, were still asleep.

"What's for breakfast?" Gavin asked as he walked into the room, ignoring me.

"Just a bunch of traditional foods such as eggs and bacon," I responded. "There's pancakes and fruit also. I wasn't sure what you liked." Gavin only rolled his eyes at me. It looked like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

"This is fine," Cole shrugged, popping a piece of bacon into his mouth. Breakfast seemed like the only time where everyone was quiet and civilized for once. To ease my stomach that felt like it was going to explode, I just ate a bit of fruit.

"Thank you, Sierra, for cooking breakfast. I have to leave now for work, but Jett will go over the rules. You'll be going to school in a couple of days, so you'll go shopping today for supplies and clothes," Stefano stated. With that, he left, leaving me, the twins, Adrian, and Jett alone.

When the twins left, I put their plates in the sink. After I finished, I walked to an office where Jett was.

"Take a seat Sierra," he said. I obeyed and sat down across from him.

"In this family, we're strict with rules and we expect you to comply with them. Understand?" I nodded.

"First off, there will be no talking back or using foul language when guests are here. We'd prefer that you talk properly when there is a visitor so that you don't embarrass us or yourself. The twins and Adrian also are expected to follow that rule as well. Even if there aren't any guests, it is highly suggested that you minimize the use of improper language.

Second, when you go to school, there is no dating allowed. We're requesting that you don't have a significant other, regardless of their gender, as Stefano and I'd wish that you prioritize your studies over love interests. However, you are allowed to have friends regardless of gender. In addition, we must approve of them. However, in the future, this rule will likely get revoked.

Third, please refrain from entering any of our offices, unless we give you the approval. We don't need you invading our personal space and we will respect your privacy as long as you deliver the same respect to us.

Fourth, if our mother comes to visit, please treat her with reverence. Given that the situation could be awkward, just try to respect her. We're not asking you to act like she's your mother, but to tolerate her.

Fifth, there will be no lying to us. If there's an issue that you have, come to either me or Adrian. If it's serious, then go to Stefano. We value honesty in this family, so we expect you to uphold that same value now that you're a member.

Sixth, you cannot leave school without notifying one of us. Outside the school and our house, the streets can be a dangerous place. In addition, we'd like to know where you are in case of an emergency.

Seventh, you'll be training with Adrian and the twins every weekend. We want you to stay healthy and active, so that gym class won't be an issue for you. In addition, you'll also be learning self-defense so that in case you're ever in an emergency, you can protect yourself.

Eighth, you are expected to do your homework and to turn it in on time. In school, Stefano and I received your records and were impressed. We expect that you stay in all honors, manage your GPA of 4.8, and act like a responsible student.

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