Hiding (10)

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"The Lunar pack is our safest spot to hide Dimitri," Damien argued. I looked at Damien and had to admit that he has looked better. He was pacing up and down the tiny lounge area as if on a mission. His hair was extremely disheveled which is due to the fact that he kept running his hands through his hair in frustration. But then again, I am certain that I looked way worse than Damien. I mean he still had time to shave while I had let my stubble grow. I cannot recall ever putting a brush to my hair and the dye I had was starting to wash out. I also cannot recall taking a shower in the past few days.

I just could not believe that my best friend was actually being serious right now. He wanted us to live with werewolves. Now, I have nothing against werewolves. But to live in a pack is totally absurd. Yeah the werewolves are strong, so if we get attacked they could totally help us out, but for all I knew they could be working with this damn Seneca who killed my family. Besides the less people who knew about us the better and with werewolves' great sense of smell, they would sniff a vampire on their grounds in minutes. I could no longer go buy the masking scent soap, because it could result in us being caught. No one hides their scent unless they were hiding from something.

"There has to be another option Damien. You and I can probably defend ourselves against a pack, but one bite from them and you are dead. I can't risk your life. It's too high a risk. Besides, living in a pack means telling another what...50 plus people that we fugitives. We would literally have to trust everyone in the pack to keep us a secret," I said hopping he would listen to reason.

He was all I had left so we needed to come to some agreement. Damien is a reasonable guy I just had to get him to see logic. This however, was much harder than I thought since we were both more emotional than logical right now. I guess that is what losing your family does to you. But then again this was my first time so maybe I was still getting used to the idea. What on earth am I thinking? Ah yes, Damien and I are arguing.

I was beyond annoyed with the fact that I had to hide like a coward. But I mean, I had been in character for a while now. I totally could survive in the human settlement for a good amount of time by being James. I would continue working as a postman and paying rent. It is a totally plausible solution. Only, the vampire in me would not allow me to hide away. My beast has been itching to be let out. He wanted blood and he wanted it now. It was a wonder how I managed to contain him so far. I guess I did still have some control over my emotions.

This was not the life I imagined for myself. Then again life seems to always have other plans for me. I guess, I am now officially James Rodrick. Dimitri could not come out anytime soon with him being wanted and all. "Our only other option is to live in the human settlement then," Damien said with defeat.

But as I thought about his option of living amongst the humans, it made perfect sense. We didn't have to tell anyone who we really were. We could blend in easily and the last place they would probably come to search for us, would be in the human settlements. After all, Vampires are notorious for their dislike of humans. Humans were conceited and thought too high of themselves. They literally believe that they are on top of the food chain. Well, news flash to them but they are basically our source of food. Evolution after all didn't stop at Homo sapiens now did it?

"We will go back to Kena," I said with finality and a tad bit of glee. We shall drive there like humans do to keep the act up. Also you need to change your appearance. I have spare contact lenses that you can use for now. I also have more of the blond dye. You can alter the colour to your choosing once we are out of this village. These items are from the human settlement after all. So, there will be plenty of options there for you to choose from. And we will leave at 8," I concluded. My brain was back and working in full force. It is about time I started thinking of an action plan.

It would have been ideal to rather get a witch to cast a spell on us that would change our forms if you think of it. But magic always leaves a trace and we couldn't leave any traces. Damien here had been working for my dad so if any of the noblemen or lords recognized him then ... well you can put together the rest of the story of how Seneca gets my head on a silver platter.

I know that Seneca has not started looking for me yet. But it was a matter of days before my face was all out in the papers. I know that if I was her, I would not want to have any lose ends. Damien did not disagree with me on our plan, so it was safe to say that he had agreed with me. This was good because Damien was important. I needed him for my revenge plan.

After a short while, Damien left. I did not even bother asking him where he went. My family is his family too. So, he was morning too. I then went and sat on the sofa where Damien had sat. My hands went to my hair almost as if automated. But my hair was very short so there was not much hair to hold onto to.

One thing I did know for sure was that I would do anything it took me to get my throne back and more importantly, I am going to make Seneca pay. Right now, it seems that to execute my plan I needed to live in the human settlement for some time. After all, I need time to gather allies.


QOC: What are your thoughts on Revenge as a whole? Do you think it's worth it? Let me know in the comments below. Honestly any feedback is appreciated actually.

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