Darkness (36)

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AN: Reminder to vote for this chapter 


It had been just over three weeks since my last encounter with James. Well, I should get used to calling him Dimitri I guess. I have to admit Dimitri was such a better name.

Anyways, I was finally getting over Dimitri. By that I mean I was finally over sulking and stuffing myself with chocolates and ice-cream. I had even started going back to African World again. I initially could not go there due to the memories of me and Dimitri at the place. And then as soon I as I was finally becoming alright again, grandma Zuzu contacted me.

Now Granny Zuzu wasn't exactly my grandmother but then again, my dad had me believing that everyone was family. All his friends were aunts and uncles of mine! I used to actually believe they were all family until one day he brought a white guy home and said his was my uncle too. That's when I realized I actually had no uncles and aunts. Both my parents were basically orphans. Granny Zuzu found me when I kicked out of the pack after my mother died. She welcomed me into her home and raised me. So, when she contacted me, I knew that it had to be something serious. Which is why I checked in with her.

This was the great thing about being part witch, I didn't have to live with grandma to speak to her whenever I wished to do so. It was safer if I wasn't with her. They could kill her just for keeping me a secret. And I couldn't have that happen. So, one night I up and left and made sure that they had no way of finding me. I still check in every now and then, but I always kept my location hidden for her own sake.

Grandma Zuzu taught me a lot. For one I did not know that I had magic in me. I always thought that I was a werewolf. But it turns out that I am both. A hybrid they call me. When the rest of the coven found out about Grandma Zuzu hiding me they were outraged. They wanted to have me reported to the council. Of course, Granny fought for me. She even decided to leave the coven because of me. Luckily, I had heard the whole conversation and decided that I had to leave before then. I had to leave so she could stay. She never agreed with my choice, but she also could not find me. I was a fast learner and was about as powerful as she was by the time I turned 16.

Thus, I wasn't even a bit surprised that just three days later, they had come to my door. Despite expecting his arrival, my heart was very much affected by Dimitri's actual presence still. He had grey eyes now which I liked more than the piecing black. He looked tired, but still perfect. His hair was much longer and his bangs were long enough to cover his beautiful grey orbs. I missed him.

Being in his presence right now, I felt safe. I hated that his mere presence made me feel this way.

"Hi, Rebecca. Can we please come in?" his friend said. I think his name was Damien. That pulled me out my trance and so I opened the door further for them to enter.

Dimitri walked in and went straight for the couch as if it was his home. I guess he had been here a couple of times. But that familiarity was long gone now. I kept staring at him. It was as if my eyes couldn't believe that he was here in my actual house. I thought I was over him and he popped right back in to remind me just how my pathetic heart still beat for him.

"So, your real name is Zhurhuri," Damien said. But I was still focused on my stare down with Dimitri to respond. Then Dimitri finally spoke and asked me why. In that moment, I had just realized that I had forgotten how much I loved his deep, velvety voice. It was like all the progress I made these past few weeks was wiped out with by just hearing him speak. Then I felt my anger begin to seep in. I couldn't show him weakness, so of course I settled on the alternative instead. I was also really irked that he was acting all hurt. I wasn't the only one who lied in this friendship.

"I should be asking you that vampire prince," I seethed. I could feel my anger boiling and I needed to contain it fast. Otherwise my magic would spike. I am normally a calm person. Yet Dimitri seemed to be able to pull out all kinds of emotions from me.

"I think I'm going to give you two privacy," his friend said. I didn't bother to look at him but I knew that he couldn't leave. I would kill James in a matter of minutes if he left. It seemed James had the same idea as we both said, "No."

"You have some nerve coming here to ask me for help. Did you forget that I hate your family? I lost my family in that war! Your sister can kill you for all I care. I mean you were going to kill me once you found out that I am a mix breed anyway," I spat out. I was now truly angry.

I waited for a reaction from him. I thought he would go mad and break something. But I was wrong.

At first I saw the look of hurt flash before his eyes. But then he quickly masked it. He stood up not breaking eye contact with me and said, "Well, I am sorry you feel that way." Then he walked to where his friend was and said, "Let's go."

As soon as my door closed, I released a breath. After a few minutes of them leaving, I could still smell Dimitri outside, so I went to see why by my window. And to my horror there stood a female version of Dimitri in all her glory. Her eyes were exactly the same colour as his- stormy grey. They even had the same hair. Then she flicked her wrists and I watched Dimiti and his friend start falling instantly. She had knocked them out. I didn't even realise that I was screaming Dimiti's name, until I saw her looking directly at me.

Next thing I knew, I too was falling. Then everything went black.



QOC: What is your theory on how things will pan out in the next few chapters

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