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I was angry

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I was angry. Looking at the brown eyed boy I felt the fury I had buried inside myself 6 months ago. I wouldn't call him by his name. He didn't deserve that. His gaze locked on mine, in shock or perhaps fear. My fists clenched at my sides, fingernails digging into the soft skin on my palms. My body was shaking in rage just at the sight of him.

The brown eyed boy took a step towards me, but hesitated, looking at me as if seeking permission to approach. My breath was short, my heart was racing.

"Izzy." He spoke slowly, sadly. He had no right to be sad. He had no right to be anything but remorseful for his part in one of the most heart wrenching events in my lifetime.

"No." I whispered taking a step towards my siblings who remained oblivious leaning against the car.

"Izzy please I need to talk to you." He sounded desperate, hopeless even. But I had no empathy for him. That had vanished a long time ago, along with trust and at some point in time, friendship.

"No." My voice was shaky, raw with anger and hurt.

I quickened my pace, not wanting to be in earshot of anything he had to say. I didn't speak to Emma or Fin before climbing into the back seat, still trembling with fury.

I didn't understand why he was there. Or why he felt he had any allowance to come to me, to speak my name in any manner. I had told him 6 months ago that I wanted nothing to do with him or anyone else involved, and rest assured that I meant it then and I mean it now.

Those pretty brown eyes will not fool me like they did every other female. They wouldn't drag me down like they had so many other unsuspecting women. He shared his eyes with a monster. One that haunted me in so many ways.

"Izzy, are you okay?" I jumped at the voice beside me, not having heard the car door open. Jace was crouched in the doorway looking at me worriedly. I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded.

"I-I'm alright." I lied through my teeth. I was not alright. Nothing was alright.

"You sure Iz? You're shaking pretty bad." Jace put a hand on my arm, that was visibly quivering.

"I-I'm alright." Maybe if I said it enough times it would come true.

Jace hesitated for a second before standing up from his crouching position and smiling wearily. "Okay, I'm here if you wanna talk."

I wondered why he still cared. An ulterior motive perhaps.

That was the only explanation as to why these boys and Emma still paid mind to my emotions.

It was a cynical point of view. But that is just how things seem at times.


I have introduced the 3 principal parts of my personality. Ghost, shadow, and ruler. But I have not discussed one of my less favorable traits.

The cynic.

The World That Was Mine (Part I & II)Where stories live. Discover now