Chapter 10: Damn Rex

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Chapter 10:Damn Rex

The Anazon Forest is a large place. It's a pentagonal shaped forest with rivers entering dense plantations, the land was murky and muddy, the air smells of dung and wet moss, insects roam the place, animals and all their natural predators also lurks by.

Its size can be referenced to the real world Amazon but a little smaller, without tribes and little communities of men inside.

Anazon is a forest filled wit monsters. The weakest is "B" ranked ones while the commonly recorded ones were the "S" ranked ones with wings. Vicious, short tempered monsters, they will attack anything with the smell of food.

Anazon is abundant of nests of the dreadfully feared Lapis Lazuli. These monsters aren't like their smaller S-ranked cousins, they are all viciously strong as they are bigger than the norm.

Lapis monsters are aggressive, they will attack anyone that will enter their nose's smelling range.

That's one reason why they are feared by adventurers since only a select lucky few that was attacked do lived to tell the tale. In this forest, in the eastern horizon, a certain group of men, a guild size of around 50, arrived in the northern border. They are one of the very few lucky groups to have been attacked by the Lapis and run away with their tails behind their legs.

"We'll be on our way. Yes, thank you. Then see you all later after we succeed the quest."

The guy talking to his communicator seem like a man with eyes staring at nothingness. Only him can see who the person in the video link was unless he decides to share the video link to them.

He dropped the call and faced his men, all of which are high ranking players equipped with their own weapons of extreme devastation in a hologram screen that went up after his call.

"Men!" He shouted on their ship's bridge. There was a large stage and a chair in the middle and that's where he went to sit down. 

Below in the cargo area are heavy armed men looking up on a hologram screen. 

"I just made a call with an allied guild and they wished us luck in this endeavor."

Cheers exploded to the mention of the "allied guild" as it was a real blessing for the whole guild that their tall and blonde Guild Master was acquainted with a known and powerful guild.

"The Excalibur is our target. We failed last time only because we were caught unprepared by the enemy. But now is a different story! We are here! Our guild will claim that treasure. We will be recognized as worthy to stand side by side with the strong guilds out there with our heads held high."


"Men and women of Helium, this is our time. We will storm this forest and defeat that wretched evil standing between us and our treasure..."

The ship is a light armed warship, designed for space use without the flight wings. Its balance wasn't as good as those made with those with wings but put it into the outer space and this ship will be one of the fastest in there.

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