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06: Ultimatum

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"Did they both just leave?" Chad asks as I stare at the front doors of Esquire.

I am shell-shocked. What just happened? Did she actually get mad because I wouldn't bang her? When she looked up at me from the floor, her eyes were all red and her make-up was smudged and this annoying dull ache crept up into the pit of my stomach and I just couldn't do it. She just looked like a wounded animal and it just felt...wrong. For fuck's sake. The one time I try to be a gentleman and it explodes in my face. I don't get women.

Fuck, I need a drink.

"Looks like it." I begin to walk over to the bar. She wouldn't even give me her socials... What?! "Did uh- Priya give you her number?" I ask, trying to sound casual.

"I- um... didn't ask for it," Chad responds slowly as I hand him a beer. "Whatever, it's cool. Fuck those girls anyway."

"Yeah, fuck them," I agree but my tone lacks conviction. As we're about to head back upstairs Adriana longlegs breezes past us. I instinctively grab her arm. "Hey, Adri, you off soon?"

"I don't know. I could be." Adriana bites her lip as she looks me up and down. "What's in it for me?" she coos.

I scoff as I drop her arm and take a step back. This is why I don't double-dip. They start acting cocky. 

Bad idea.

Adriana quickly takes a step forward as she reads my expression. "I'm off in 45 minutes."

"I'm leaving in 30."

"I'll get someone to cover!" Adriana turns and walks towards the back room. I give her backside a once-over. 

Meh, could be worse.

"Adri?" I call out and she quickly spins around with a wide smile on her face.


"Bring some friends."


Knock. Knock. Knock.


The aggressive knocking is causing my head to throb, the pain reaching my teeth. Fuck. I turn on my side and cocoon my head between a pillow. "Go away!"

"Asher! Get up. It's already lunchtime and I need to talk to you!" my mother's voice roars from outside my bedroom door. Talk? Hah. More reason to stay in bed.

I pat around my nightstand until I find my phone. Opening my eyes briefly, I check the time. Shit, it's already past noon. I didn't get back from Adriana's until 3 am. I would've been home sooner if she didn't insist on cuddling. Luckily, she fell asleep quickly so I managed to slip out undetected.

I guess my days of going to Esquire are over. Adriana is going to think our hook-ups will become a regular occurrence and that's the last thing I want. I know she doesn't actually like me, she just hopes she'll get featured on some blog. But after Poppy left I felt lost and confused. The fact she had the audacity to ditch me after I took care of her and probably saved her from a morning of regret is just astounding. Well, a lesson learned. Chicks do not like good guys. I don't know what came over me. It sure as fuck won't happen again.

"Asher!" She bangs on the door again and I jerk up, irritated.

"Ok! I heard you! I'll be down in fifteen minutes," I shout at my door.

"Do you want breakfast?" she asks, her tone slightly more pleasant.


"Ok, I'll get Ellen to brew you a pot."

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