jack liam templeton

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(warning: I used the gacha club to make the jack because I don't know how to draw, and this fanfic is free for all audiences, stay with the fanfic)

(like a normal day tim and boss baby they where playing in tim's bedroom,                                              boss baby hear voices coming from coming from the living room,he looked and see mom and dad talking about if they adopt someone new in the family, boss baby leaved and back to tim's bedroom again and he said:

-templeton!mom and dad are talking about put someone new on the family!

-hm... i think i'ts not bad (tim said)

-but how we gonna keep the secret about babycorp and other things?!

-oh..yeah i forgot!

-we need to do a plan!(tim said)

-ok so let's do the plan.

(boss baby and tim was thinking in ideias to to solve this problem  but none worked they fell in sleep because they was thinking on it like all the day.)

boss baby waked up in his baby crib and heard the bell sound

-tim take baby down here we have a suprise!(mom said)

(tim take boss baby and  going down stairs)

-say hi to your new older brother!(mom said)

-jack liam templeton!(dad said)

-cool!(tim said)

(but boss baby was a little suspicious of his new older brother)

-I'll leave you in the living room so you can get to know each other!(mom said)

-we'll be right back!(dad said going to the kitchen like mom did)

(tim left theodore on the couch and went to greet his new brother)

-hello! i'm timothy ,but you can call me tim!(Tim said happy)

(he reached out to greet)

-i'm jack!,it's a pleasure to meet you little brother (he said happy too)

(he greeted tim)

(boss baby was just looking they while he was on the couch)

-who is this little guy?

(jack went to theodore)

-oh!this is theodore the youngest of the family!(tim said)

-he is so cute!i liked him!(jack said)

-and...i have a present for you two!(jack said,he went to sit on the couch and tim was also)

-what's is it???(tim said with curiosty)

-this toy that has carts and, a track that has 4 laps!

-OMG!!(tim said so happy)

-and the other present is for the baby!(Jack said excited)

-the new plushythingy fireproof!

-no way!(boss baby said low)

-in fact I only made a copy of the toy because I knew that many babies had been sad after losing the toys,so I remade a new version!

(while he was saying this, theodore in his "baby form" was just hugging the toy with such longing and joy)

-so...you already  met boys?(mom said)

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