Chapter 8 [ A daily life of the illegal couple's daughter ]

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Each days, like every babies would do, I ate my milk and meal, exercise, learn how to walk, BOOM! I was now known as the best my mother...

Just kidding!!

In this house, who doesn't adore me? I'm a popular kid, ya know. I received smiles, giggles and fan screaming each time I walk pass a maid or servant.

Pretty popular, huh. Even the knights know who how angelic can I be, huhu...

Seriously, no! I'm not an angel like how you guys described. I was just trying my best to grow up and be a normal kid.

Ever since the cold war between the male protagonist and the Villainess, Aphrodite was still being Aphrodite. You know...known as the untouchable person in the noble society. And of course, she has every Villainess had.

Despite being an evil being in the noble society [ her innocent facade is no more, yo! ], Aphrodite was still the best mother.

The mother who would spoilt you, the cool mother who's done all her works without depending on her husband (anymore).

Aphrodite officially earned my respect!

In short, my relationship with my Villainess mother is super great. Ares is just being Ares...

The cold heart male lead who doesn't give a single shit about his Villainess wife and a daughter who was born from a Villainess. It would have been okay if I were a boy but a daughter who was considered as someone who only born to marry off to someone with high rank in that era.

My relationship with my father is unknown. Who knows? I might get killed by him in the near future when the female protagonist came back.

Today, I am 3 years old. My dad is the typical male protagonist who need to leave for war, but seriously!!! Just how many wars we had over the past year?!!

The only time I saw Ares was whenever he returned from war and I saw him from faraway and Aphrodite banned me from seeing him.

I, who was being a fake Asian daughter who stood on her mom's side, listened to her and didn't go and see him.

Why would I want to see him after that incident from three years ago?

And right now, I am walking in the garden with my mom who is holding my hand. We walked to the rose garden, the pond and the finally have a picnic under the shade of tree.

It was a routine for me to walk with Aphrodite everyday. There's a reason why I need to walk everyday, not because Aphrodite wanted me to but because I was born weak, stated by Aphrodite and Margaret herself.

Ria who died by falling off a building, nearly died again when she's reincarnated as Adelliana.

How lucky.

I did not realize this until I suddenly get a fever that would never went down and the doctors had a hard time because Aphrodite was threatening them.

Even Ares was involved in that time. (Ares' being a bulletproof for the dokters ) After that day, I was treated with extra care and the extra care was much more annoying than the usual care.

I had hard time walking, eating, and talking. I can't even talk right now. Usually, a three years old would have know some words like papa or mama but I was different.

I was silent, and I could make sounds like crying, groaning and screaming.

In conclusion, I am a troublesome kid who need special care.

"Adele, is the cake delicious?" Aphrodite wipe my mouth with her handkerchief with a smile.

I nodded my head and smile in response. Although Aphrodite looks happy with my response, she's still look concerned.

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