Chapter 16 [ Boy who threw nut (2) ]

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Adelliana and the blonde head boy sat on the grass. She watched as the blondie randomly said the most random thing. Of course, Adelliana knew who this boy is very well.

Who else aside from the royals possessed such majestic blue eyes?

Adelliana internally sighed at this cliche. Somehow, the royal always possessed blonde hair and blue eyes. Well, beautiful princesses and princes need to have the classic golden blonde hair and sky blue eyes.

"Hey, did you know that candy fairy's hair actually made out of cotton candy?"


"Excuse me?"

"The candy fairy's hair actually made out of cotton candy."

"Who told you such nonsense fairy tale?"

"It's not nonsense. Candy fairy existed. Mythical creatures existed here..."

Adelliana avoided his eyes gaze. Haha, she knew dragons exist here but the novel didn't say anything about the fairy or elves.

"Then how do you know that she's real?" Adelliana wrapped her arms around her knees and tilted her head.

"Because I saw her, duh." The blondie scratches his ear and gave her the duh looks.

"Show me if she's real."

Adelliana didn't mean to believe that magical creatures are fake but she can't help but tease the little prince.

The blonde prince blinks twice then nodded his head.


[ He can't be serious- to find those magic creatures, characters from novel said it took at least 5 years! But main characters found them in 1 day! You aren't even a full fledge supporting character, that's gonna take 20 year to catch one! ]

Adelliana rose up and about to tell him that it was a joke. Suddenly, small colorful light ball floats in midair around them.

Tons of them came out and surrounded them. One of the light lands on the blonde prince's hand and he walked up to her.

He showed Adelliana the pink light ball that now has became a tiny girl with wings.

"Tiny..." Adelliana unconsciously blurted out and stared at the tiny pink head of the fairy.

"How rude of you! My name isn't tiny!! I'm one of the greatest fairy spirit! The one and only beloved fairy Sweetiana!!"

The tiny chirping like cricket made Adelliana crack out a laugh. She ended up laughing like an idiot and roll on the grass for 3 minutes.

The candy fairy fist her hand and bite her lips in annoyance. She wasn't happy with Adelliana laughing at her.

"Sorry, sorry! It's been a long time since I hear a new kind of voice. I only stuck in my house and hear the same voice everyday and end up remembering every kind of voice. Hearing yours was refreshing and funny."

Of course, that was half truth. This morning, she heard alot of new voices. But the rest weren't a lie, she did hear the same voices for too many time to the point of remembering them.

The little fairy blushed. Because of her blushing, her pink hair turned into a hot pink.

"H-hmph! Just because you're a little cute doesn't mean I'll always forgive you!"

The prince and Adelliana laughed together.

"Come to think of it, are these lights also fairies?" Adelliana tried to touch one of those floating light but it'd immediately flies away when she tried to touch them.

"That's right. They won't transform to their fairy form unless I command them or out of their own will."

The blondie prince released the fairy and watched as she flew away.

"Is that your ability?"

"What do you mean?"

"The ability to summon fairy!"

"Ahh...that was nothing. I'm not even good enough compared to my older siblings..."

Adelliana watched as his blue orbs turn into a darker shade of blue. She blinked twice and suddenly remembered one scene from the novel.

Helios's eyes would turned into a different shades of blue depending on his emotion. When he's sad, his eyes turned into a deep blue one.

"Don't sweat it! You are younger so it's an exception! Doesn't matter whether you have special power or not, it's not always too late to learn everything as long as you're alive and well."

Adelliana grinned and lightly hit his shoulder. She was unaware but the little prince was stunned by her smile.

[ Why is my heart beating like this again?!! ]

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