Chapter 11

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Sakura had entered the room and set up her own desk in the darkest part of the room and a simple nod towards his nurses. They passed papers back and forth, but neither spoke, preferring the businesslike silence of the hospital. Every few hours Sakura would change out Itachi's IV and chakra drips and glare suspiciously at the his heart beat on the machine. She had made the Uchiha swear upon the graves of his ancestors to remain in bed until he was discharged. While most ninja routinely disregarded doctor’s orders at any given opportunity, Itachi stayed put. To be blunt, he remained in pain, even as the localized painkillers turned a throbbing chest into a dull ache as stitches and chakra slowly mended the wounds inflicted by the surgery.

The week passed fairly quickly. Most of his time was spent reading the books Sakura has graciously provided. Then she would disappear within few seconds before Naruto and Sasuke would visit him. After their leave, she would appear again. She’d fed him portions of her chakra while grumbling about other patients of the hospital Village. These complaints weren’t directed at him, she didn’t really care who he is, just another patient, but to him it was a lifeline. Those complaints reminded him there was something other than pain, and a desire to survive in Konoha. People had lives here. He had a life here. And he could have a life here again, if he survived.

On the morning of the trial, he was discharged from the hospital and called out for the public trial. He was hiding with Sasuke, Naruto and three of their Guards when they heard loud voices of people who were now starting to gather.

Loud Cheering echoed before the voice of fifth Hokage filtered through, "First of all, I would like to thank all of you for participating in the this Public trial. I know most of you must be surprised at it. The reason why this trial is being held in front of all of you, is because you hold the right to know the true faces of the leaders you all support and trust. The claims of Intentional Man Slaughter, Treason against Konoha through joining hands with Orochimaru, Treason against Konoha by creating an inhumane Secret Organizations, Illegally experimention and human trafficking and finally, Mutilation of Corpses and disrespecting their deaths by stealing their Bloodline pride for his own personal use, Are made against Danzo Shimura, Homura Mitokado and Koharu Utatane. Let the trial Began!" Tsunade announced, sitting down on the chair, satisfied with the way the villages pointing at now shell shocked Elders.

KaEl: Hey guys! So, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who really, really detest these people. Danzo and the other two elders. So, I thought, why not give you all a choice. In the next chapter, let's vote how you want their end to be like
Options are:
A) Public Execution by the Village
B) Choice of killing to be given to the Uchiha Brothers.
C) ??? Surprise??
Depending on the choice, I'll give them the end. But the last option was original plan. *Whisper* Which is actually pretty awesome*whisper* But it's all in your hands so vote up!!!

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