The Alternative (One-shot)

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A/N: Massive spoilers to the Assassin's Creed Games. You don't like spoilers then don't read. Any-who, I own nothing, but Chronos. I might make another one one, but on a different plot line.

He was running out of time. Desmond Miles has gone through a lot to get to this point in his journey and mission. He's lived through three of his ancestor's lives through the Animus. He's seen it all through their eyes, and now he stood before two of the three Capitoline Triad with a choice to choose between two different fates.

Desmond didn't want to choose either fate. He was not selfish, but he didn't want to die. He wished to continue with his mortal life and family that's been with him through his journey. Desmond didn't want to sacrifice most of humanity either. That was so much loss of life, he wanted to find another way.

"You do not want to choose either fate?" Desmond heard. Time seemed to slow as he looked for the owner of the voice, but saw no one. "Is either fate not to your liking?"

"Who are you?" Desmond asked. "Why are you asking me this?"

"I am another deity, however, I was never flesh and blood," The voice said. "I ask you again, do the fates presented to you not satisfy you?"

"No, they do not," Desmond said. "I do not wish to choose either. I no longer wish to be a pawn to anyone's plan. I want to decide what happens. I want to choose my own fate. I want to find a different way, but I'm out of time."

"You wish to choose your own destiny," the stray voice said. "You will be gifted with then. All you must do is deny either fate that Minerva and Juno foresee. Then hold your piece of the apple close to your heart and let your will channel through it."

Once the voice said those instructions, time seemed to resume in normal speed. Desmond looked between both precursors and sighed. He truly didn't want to choose between the fates they had for him and followed what the voice had said to him. He pulled out the Apple and looked to Minerva and Juno.

"I refuse to choose either Fate," Desmond said allowed. Shocking everyone present. "I choose to decide my own Destiny. I will find another way to save humanity with out your help."

"But it is almost time," Juno said quickly, trying to persuade Desmond to go through with her plan. "You don't have a choice. You either let humanity die or sacrifice yourself to save them all."

"No," Desmond said as he pulled the Apple of Eden to rest against his chest, right above his heart. "There was another who offered a different solution, and I plan on deciding a different outcome."

Desmond closed his eyes and focused. He thought about how he wanted to save humanity. He wanted to live what ever amount of years he had left in his life. Desmond wanted to be done with the precursors, wanting nothing to do with them any further.

Desmond opened his eyes when the Apple hovered over his hands. Then energy shot out of it. Everyone watched in shock and awe as the energy was forming a small figure. The energy quickly faded out and the figured lowered to the floor.

Once it touched, the light vanished revealing a small and strange sight. There stood a kid like skeleton that had black bones and blue tear marks like he actually cried so much that it scarred him. He wore a blue hoodie, with red trim on the sleeves and bottom with yellow fur on the rim of his hood. He had matching boots and blue shorts with a red line on the side. On closer inspection, everyone noticed how scarred the skeleton's skull was.

After a few seconds of observation, the skeleton's eye sockets opened to show that within was read and that the skeleton's right eye light was yellow, but the left was yellow surrounding blue and a black center. The skeleton looked around confused about his surroundings until everyone heard the voice that spoke to Desmond.

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