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"I'm Kokushibou... I'll be bringing you to... that man" he tells Uzui who convulsing on the ground.

The pain of transformation sent Tengen groaning and gasping in pain. His veins popped up as his face turned red from the pain.

Once Tengen retrieves back his lost limbs, Kokushibou held him by the arm and held it from the back. He then grabbed the sword and threw it away.

In just a second, both figures disappeared in sight.


Uzui groans as he woke up from his slumber. As he gained consciousness, his stomach grumbled in hunger, his drool falling down to the floor as he craved food.

"Oh look! He's awake~"

The sound hashira's eyes snapped open and immediately sat up only to have his hair grabbed pulled back.

"Ugh!" He groaned as his scalp ached at the harsh pull.

"Oh sorry about that!~ but you'll fall pretty deep if you fall down there so better thank me~"

Tengen glanced up to see a blonde haired demon looking straight at him. It's rainbow coloured eyes looked like it was glowing. A blood spot on top of his head and a golden fan in his hand.

"Get away from him pedo Douma" A pink haired man grumbled as he dragged the demon away from the hashira. Ex Hashira...

"Aww!~ but I wanted to talk to him more! Akaza-dono!" Douma whined as he let the the demon drag him away to the spot.

"Shut up" Akaza remarked.

"Hey biwa woman, where upper rank 1 and Muzan-sama?" He adds as he glanced at the dark haired demon.

She strums her biwa yet again, "The upper moon rank 1 has been here since the beginning and that man has still not arrived" she states blatantly straight before strumming her biwa yet again.

The pink haired demon huffs and lets go of Douma's collar, "I got out first again..." he thought, mad.

"Muzan-sama... has arrived" Kokushibou mutters nonchalantly from his spot.

Only a second later, a footstep echoes throughout the place. The demons then turned to the red eyed man that stood above the bloody hashira.

"I appreciate that you have decided to attend this... urgent meeting" Muzan states as he stared at each demons.

"Aww don't be like that Muzan-sama!" Daki cheers, a blush on her face. "We're grateful just to be on your presence!"

Muzan only hums and turned to six eyed demon, "Good job finding a tag, Kokushibou" he tells him, "I'll reward you with some blood later" he says before grabbing Tengen's back.

As he turned to leave--

"Muzan-sama?" Douma calls out to the proeginator.

Muzan sighs and turned back to them again, "What is it, Douma?"

"We would like to know why you have us find these so called 'tags'. It's been centuries yet we still don't know what's the reason" the blonde remarks, fanning himself with his golden fan.

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