Chapter 19

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My health deteriorated after my great escapade. The god of order said that it's because my soul left the protection of my body for such a long time and that I used my hypnosis power with just the limited power from my soul. He solemnly scolded me for quite a long time when I had been lying weakly on my bed. 

Even till now I could barely get off my bed. I took a brief look at the novel in my hand and threw it across my room. 

"Don't you think I can't tell it's a story based on that stupid Rachelle!" I murmured. I tried to grasp another novel from the stack, but it was too far from me. I struggled again, but had to lay back down to take some rest. 

With a tiny sigh, the god of order handed me another novel. "It's the third one. If you don't want to read, you can do other things." He then stood up to pick the discarded novel up and returned it to the shelf. 

"You won't be able to trick me into playing chess with you again," I said sweetly with a fake smile on my face and then I ignored him once again.

After my escape, the god of order refused to leave my side. Since I had to stay on my bed most of the time, he stayed in my room at the bottom of the lake to guard me. Once after reading a very boring story, he suggested playing chess with me. I was not that uneducated, I knew how to play chess. I even entertained the thought of beating him. So the thoroughly bored me made the wrong mistake of playing with him. We had ten matches, I lost all ten of them, at a lightning fast speed. I would never play with him again. 

Suddenly, intense pain took hold of me and I begun to cough. Here we go again, I thought. I covered my mouth with a handkerchief and very quickly it was soaked with blood. The god of order stood by me and gently patted on my back to soothe my wheezing and coughing. When I recovered, I pushed his hand away in annoyance. 

"Stop pretending. It's all your fault!" I mumbled as I flopped back down onto my bed. All energy seemed to have drained away from my body. 

"As I have said, it's because your soul left your body for longer than you're supposed to. And you even used your power in a body not even yours. Your soul is injured." 

"If it's not for your spell on my soul, would I suffer this much?" I smiled sarcastically.

After a few seconds, he finally said, "I admitted it has a factor to your current situation." 

I snickered. "So put away your holier than thou attitude. You are no different than the other gods." I curled my hair with my finger. "You don't have to stay here. I can't even swim out of the door without coughing my lungs out. Even if I can, you can always track me down and destroy my soul with a thought." 

Lines appeared between the eyebrows of the god of order. 

My smile widened and tilted my head, "Why are you having this expression? Isn't that the truth? Is it because I exposed the ugly truth hidden deep in your heart?" 

"As I said I never planned to set that spell into motion."

I chuckled. "If that's the case, why did you put it on me in the first case? Just admit it, god of order." 

I stared at the god of order, but he refused to say anything. Losing interest, I returned to my novel. 

"... they won't let you go," at last the god of order finally opened his mouth. 

"Pardon?" I raised my eyebrow.

"They refused to let you go alive, unless I put a spell on your soul." 

I put down the book I'm holding and asked, "Do you think it's any better now?" The fake smile I had on my face finally disappeared. "Look at me. Do you think it's better now?" 

The god of order refused to open his mouth once again. At last he sighed, "At least you're alive." 

Hysterical laughter bubbled up from my throat. "At least I'm alive. That's not what alive feels like! Look at Cecil and her people and then look at me. I'm just someone physically alive, but am I even living out a life? I don't even have a future! I am just stuck here day in day out!"

I took a break to recover from the shortness of breath. "Why do you save me?" I asked. "Why? Why do you have to save me?" I screamed with my hoarse voice towards the end. "Just because of your blasted code of order! It's all just because you don't think we deserved to die, you had to do everything in your might to save just one. Then your guilt will be appeased! Am I right?" I cried hysterically. 

The god of order looked stricken. "No..."

"Don't try to deny it!" I stared at him in anger. Another fit of coughing seized me as I coughed out more blood. 

The god of order leaned down to try to soothe me down, but I pushed him away. 

"Lorelei!" he raised his voice. 

I glared at him through my eyelashes. "What?" I asked through my blood filled mouth. 

"I..." he sighed again as he tried to pat my back to soothe my coughing fit again. Once his hand touched my back, power seeped into my body. The coughing died down and the pain inside my body slowly ebbed away. 

"The gods are in the wrong," the god of order said. "They shouldn't have driven your species into extinction. They... started all these. They invaded your land. They started the war." 

I stayed silent. 

"At that time, the other gods instigated all kinds of wars in the mortal worlds. They created famine and droughts. Mortals were dying. They tried to tie me down," the god of order said coldly without hiding the despite and distaste in his words.  

"Ah, so here comes the excuse," I chuckled. "I don't care why you couldn't save my kind. Even if you saved us then, so what? The war between you gods and us beasts would appear sooner or later. You shouldn't have saved me. You're just saving me out of your own selfishness. And now I suffered."

He sighed and said with bone deep weariness, "Yes, I saved you because of my own selfishness. Gods are a selfish bunch, haven't you learned by now?" He covered my eyes. "Sleep now, Lorelei." 


Author's note

The story is so close to 10k views! I'm excited!!

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